Peter John Weise (Author)
Morton, Timothy (Advisor)
Sound studies argues that hearing is a historical practice embedded in ideology, material conditions, and specific cultures of sound reproduction technologies. Analyzing a diverse array of primary sources, Voice Beyond Language argues that a sound studies approach to British literature of the long eighteenth century (1660-1830) should attend to the violent conditions of hearing. In this period, to hear is often to sense the unstable ground for the construction of a community. An inarticulate voice or a radically vibrating source of sound must be discarded for a stable use of language to appear, enabling a community to function. The reappearance of the problematic sounds threatens a breakdown not only in language but also in the community more generally. Such a community can take the form of the commonwealth, the colony, the public sphere, and the countryside. Each chapter analyzes how British literature represents hearing as the possibility of the construction and destruction of these different types of communities.
Luke Stadel;
Television as a Sound Medium, 1922-1994
Alexandra Supper;
Data Karaoke: Sensory and Bodily Skills in Conference Presentations
Vaillant, Derek W.;
At the Speed of Sound: Techno-Aesthetic Paradigms in U.S.--French International Broadcasting, 1925--1942
Sumner, James;
Gooday, Graeme J. N.;
Kendall Milar Thompson;
I, Robot: Nikola Tesla's Telautomaton
Meszaros, Beth;
Infernal sound cues: Aural geographies and the politics of noise
Poole, William;
Nuncius Inanimatus. Seventeenth-Century Telegraphy: The Schemes of Francis Godwin and Henry Reynolds
Carr, Kevin Matthew;
A Theater of the Senses: A Cultural History of Theatrical Effects in Early-Modern England
Leca-Tsiomis, Marie;
The Use and Abuse of the Digital Humanities in the History of Ideas: How to Study the Encyclopédie
Antonio Di Meo;
Communicating Science: A Modern Event
Lake, Crystal B.;
Feeling Things: The Novel Objectives of Sentimental Objects
Jackson, Noel;
Science and Sensation in Romantic Poetry
Hughes, Stephen Putnam;
Music in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Drama, Gramophone, and the Beginnings of Tamil Cinema
Karin Bijsterveld;
Slicing Sound: Speaker Identification and Sonic Skills at the Stasi, 1966–1989
Kristen Gallerneaux;
High Static, Dead Lines: Sonic Spectres & the Object Hereafter
Rodgers, Tara;
“What, for Me, Constitutes Life in a Sound?”: Electronic Sounds as Lively and Differentiated Individuals
Wijfjes, Huub;
Spellbinding and Crooning: Sound Amplification, Radio, and Political Rhetoric in International Comparative Perspective, 1900--1945
Keeling, Kara;
Kun, Josh;
Sound Clash: Listening to American Studies
Chao, Noelle;
Listening to the Voice on the Page: Joshua Steele and Technologies of Recording
Howard, Deborah;
Sound, Space, and Sensory Perception: The Easter Mass in the Liturgy of San Marco, Venice
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