Article ID: CBB216541074

The spatial logic of health: Managing waste, water and infrastructure in later medieval Bologna (2023)


Medieval Bologna was a vibrant and dynamic city with hundreds of artisans, craftsmen, students, government officials (and other professionals), as well as animals, all sharing the same streets, neighborhoods, and waterways. As this paper will show, medieval officials were highly concerned with keeping their city and its environs, safe and healthy, and devoted significant amounts of time and resources to achieve these goals. Using Bologna as a case study, this article maps in GIS over one hundred regulations from the city’s urban statutes from 1245-67, to examine public health strategies. In doing so, it will demonstrate that medieval officials in Bologna employed a spatial logic as they created health regulations and oversaw the construction and maintenance of infrastructure. This spatial logic was grounded in an understanding of movement and an awareness of how, where, and when people, animals, goods, water, and waste moved through the city. In this way, the knowledge of space and movement were critical aspects of public health strategies which officials deployed to maintain a healthy and working city.

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Authors & Contributors
Santa Frescura Nepoti
Grandi, Maura
Guenzi, Alberto
Krebs, Stefan
Lamberini, Daniela
Mussini, Massimo
Business History Review
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
Environmental History
Journal of Historical Geography
Social Studies of Science
Casa Editrice Persiani
Georgia Institute of Technology
University of California Press
Silvio Zamorani Editore
Water resource management
Waste disposal
Natural resource management
Time Periods
20th century
13th century
21st century
14th century
Bologna (Italy)
United States
Alabama (U.S.)
Florida (U.S.)
International Monetary Fund

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