Giancotti, Emilia (Author)
Il volume fornisce gli strumenti per comprendere il pensiero di Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) mettendone a fuoco con chiarezza i tratti fondamentali. Dalla formazione presso la comunità ebraica di Amsterdam, alla giovanile scomunica, al trasferimento all’Aja nell’ultimo periodo della sua vita, questa piccola ma ben documentata monografia illustra con efficacia la visione dell’uomo, della natura e del mondo di Spinoza. Di questa mostra la complessità, che l’autrice si sforza di risolvere in elementi semplici, mettendone in luce l’originalità rispetto alle fonti classiche e la permanente attualità. Nella sezione conclusiva lo scritto affronta la questione della storia della diffusione dello spinozismo in Italia e all’estero. [Abstract translated by Google Translate: This is the abstract in English… The volume provides the tools to understand the thought of Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), clearly focusing on its fundamental traits. From his training in the Jewish community of Amsterdam, to his youthful excommunication, to his move to The Hague in the final period of his life, this small but well-documented monograph effectively illustrates Spinoza's vision of man, nature and the world. It shows the complexity of this, which the author strives to resolve into simple elements, highlighting its originality compared to classical sources and its permanent relevance. In the final section the paper addresses the question of the history of the diffusion of Spinozism in Italy and abroad.]
Fraenkel, Carlos;
Ḥasdai Crescas on God as the Place of the World and Spinoza's Notion of God as Res Extensa
Harvey, Warren Zev;
Gersonides and Spinoza on Conatus
Miklós Vassányi;
Anima Mundi: The Rise of the World Soul Theory in Modern German Philosophy
Alexandre Koyré;
Andrea Cavazzini;
Scritti su Spinoza e l’averroismo
Michael LeBuffe;
The Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms: Miracles, Monotheism, and Reason in Spinoza
Schliesser, Eric;
The Newtonian Refutation of Spinoza: Newton's Challenge and the Socratic Problem
Jacobs, Andrew;
The Creative Power of the Future: Wolfhart Pannenberg, Modern Science, and the Metaphysics of Divine Action
Reed Winegar;
Kant's Criticisms of Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
Gabbey, Alan;
Spinoza on the Natural and the Artificial
Douglas Hedley;
Gods and Giants: Cudworth’s Platonic Metaphysics and His Ancient Theology
Emanuele Gambetta;
Il Teorema di Dio
Russell, Paul;
The Material World and Natural Religion in Hume's Treatise
Federico Boccaccini;
Anna Marmodoro;
Powers, Abilities and Skills in Early Modern Philosophy
Wiep van Bunge;
Hudde en Spinoza: waarom er maar één God is
Solís, Carlos;
Descartes, el atomista veleidoso, o los indivisibles siempre llaman dos veces
Fraenckel, Carlos;
On the Concept and History of Philosophical Religions
Meer, Jitse M. van der;
Mandelbrote, Scott;
Nature and Scripture in the Abrahamic Religions: Up to 1700
Bukowski, Thomas P.;
Beyond Aristotle … and Beyond Newton: Thomas Aquinas on an Infinite Creation
Brandie R. Siegfried;
Lisa T. Sarasohn;
God and Nature in the Thought of Margaret Cavendish
Sara Mendelson;
The God of Nature and the Nature of God
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