Scheufele, Dietram A. (Author)
Looking back over three decades of work on public understanding (and communication) of science, I revisit four areas in which our field has been unnecessarily stagnant, but that also provide exciting opportunities for our field to meaningfully guide what will be critically important global debates surrounding emerging technologies moving forward: (1) letting go of deficit-type thinking among scholars and practitioners, focused on misinformation or other perceived informational asymmetries; (2) resisting the temptation to try and cure what the scientific community often dismisses as public (opinion) pathologies; (3) using a scientific approach to science communication as the foundation of a changing culture of public-minded science; and (4) acknowledging that solutions to the challenges posed by deeply disruptive applications of technologies like AI will not be solved by ethicists, affected communities, social scientists, STEM scientists, activists, journalists or policy makers alone. Emerging science will force societies to build capacity for communication and decision making across all of these stakeholder groups.
James Owen Weatherall;
Cailin O’Connor;
Justin P. Bruner;
How to Beat Science and Influence People: Policymakers and Propaganda in Epistemic Networks
Lee McIntyre;
How to Talk to a Science Denier: Conversations with Flat Earthers, Climate Deniers, and Others Who Defy Reason
Jia, Hepeng;
Liu, Li;
Unbalanced Progress: The Hard Road from Science Popularisation to Public Engagement with Science in China
Miquel Carandell Baruzzi;
‘Ugly and smelly or useful insect hunters?’ Perceptions of and attitudes towards bats in the turn of the twentieth-century public sphere in Barcelona
Vincent, Bernadette Bensaude;
The Politics of Buzzwords at the Interface of Technoscience, Market and Society: The Case of “Public Engagement in Science”
Djerf-Pierre, Monika;
Green Metacycles of Attention: Reassessing the Attention Cycles of Environmental News Reporting 1961--2010
Christensen, Lars Lindberg;
Russo, Pedro;
Communicating Astronomy with the Public
Staffan Muller-Wille;
Christina Brandt;
Heredity Explored: Between Public Domain and Experimental Science, 1850-1930
Bezerra, José Arimatea Barros;
Educação alimentar e a constituição de trabalhadores fortes, robustos e produtivos: análise da produção científica em nutrição no Brasil, 1934--1941
P. Sol Hart;
Lauren Feldman;
(August 2016)
The Impact of Climate Change–Related Imagery and Text on Public Opinion and Behavior Change
Graham Dixon;
Jay Hmielowski;
Yanni Ma;
(August 2017)
Improving Climate Change Acceptance Among U.S. Conservatives Through Value-Based Message Targeting
Achterberg, Peter;
Knowing Hydrogen and Loving It Too? Information Provision, Cultural Predispositions, and Support for Hydrogen Technology among the Dutch
Buys, Laurie;
Aird, Rosemary;
Megen, Kimberley van;
Miller, Evonne;
Sommerfeld, Jeffrey;
Perceptions of Climate Change and Trust in Information Providers in Rural Australia
Possik, Patricia Abrao;
Shumiski, Livia Cantisani;
Correa, Elisete Marcia;
Maia, Roberta de Assis;
Medaglia, Adriana;
Mourao, Lucivana Prata de Souza;
Pereira, Jairo Marques Campos;
Persuhn, Darlene Camati;
Rufier, Myrthes;
Santos, Marcelo;
Sobreira, Marise;
Elblink, Marcia Triunfol;
Você já comeu DNA hoje? Divulgação científica durante a Semana da Ciência e Tecnologia no Brasil
Marks, Nicola J.;
Speech Acts and Performances of Scientific Citizenship: Examining How Scientists Talk about Therapeutic Cloning
Allison Lazard;
Lucy Atkinson;
(February 2015)
Putting Environmental Infographics Center Stage: The Role of Visuals at the Elaboration Likelihood Model’s Critical Point of Persuasion
Ryan Weber;
Semih Dinc;
Matthew Williams;
(October 2016)
Americans’ Support for NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope: Effects of Traditional Texts Compared to Interactive Media
Rödder, Simone;
Franzen, Martina;
Weingart, Peter;
The Sciences' Media Connection: Public Communication and Its Repercussions
Bert Theunissen;
The Oostvaardersplassen Fiasco
Mirko Ancillotti;
Niklas Holmberg;
Mikael Lindfelt;
Stefan Eriksson;
Uncritical and Unbalanced Coverage of Synthetic Biology in the Nordic Press
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