Antonovics, Janis (Author)
Hood, Michael E. (Author)
This paper examines the rise and fall of Carl Linnaeus's ideas on living contagion, focusing on his work with plant smut diseases. Early in his career, Linnaeus named a plant altered by anther-smut disease as a separate species, but then, probably realizing it was a diseased specimen, demoted it to a variety. He later drew direct parallels between minute insects attacking plants and infectious diseases in humans, but did not yet draw an analogy to smut diseases. After Otto von Münchhausen had sent Linnaeus the first instalment of his book Der Hausvater (1764), Linnaeus realized smuts were contagious. He carried out his own investigations that appeared to confirm Münchhausen's conclusion that smut spores germinated to produce living and mobile animalcules. This cemented Linnaeus's view that animalcules caused contagion in human diseases, a view which he expressed forcefully, urging further studies. However, his results were questioned and discounted by others, especially John Ellis. An analysis of correspondence between Linnaeus and other microscopists shows that it is likely Linnaeus did actually see “animalcules” emerging from cereal grains. He was unaware that smut-like symptoms in wheat could also be caused by seed-gall nematodes in the genus Anguina. Linnaeus himself came to doubt the connection between fungi and contagion, and did not pursue these studies further. The presumption that Linnaeus was fanciful in his observations of animalcules may partly explain why his views had only a tangential impact on the germ-theory of disease, and why his insights remain unappreciated to this day.
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What’s in a name? William Jones, ‘philological empiricism’ and botanical knowledge making in eighteenth-century India
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Bad math in Linnaeus’ Philosophia Botanica
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Linnaeus' Restless System: Translation as Textual Engineering in Eighteenth-Century Botany
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Eric Gustaf Lidbeck, nyttan och naturen
Veuille, Michel;
Drouin, Jean-Marc;
Deleporte, Pierre;
Silvain, Jean-François;
Linnaeus: Systématique et biodiversité
Duris, Pascal;
Linné. Classer la nature
Toma, Constantin;
Murariu, Dumitru;
300 Years since the Birth of Carl von Linné---Founder of the Binomial Nomenclature
Delange, Yves;
Carl Linné ou le génie de la classification des régnes du vivant
Wulf, Andrea;
The Brother Gardeners: Botany, Empire and the Birth of an Obsession
Müller-Wille, Staffan;
Joining Lapland and the Topinambes in Flourishing Holland: Center and Periphery in Linnaean Botany
Lazarus, Maureen H.;
Pardoe, Heather S.;
Bute's Botanical Tables: Dictated by Nature
Müller-Wille, Staffan;
Collection and Collation: Theory and Practice of Linnaean Botany
Müller-Wille, Staffan;
Reeds, Karen;
A Translation of Carl Linnaeus's Introduction to Genera Plantarum (1737)
Gierl, Martin;
Das Alphabet der Natur und das Alphabet der Kultur im 18. Jahrhundert: Botanik, Diplomatik, Linguistik und Ethnographie nach Carl von Linné, Johann Christoph Gatterer und Christian Wilhelm Büttner
Eddy, Matthew D.;
Tools for Reordering: Commonplacing and the Space of Words in Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica
Jonsell, Bengt;
Les principes linnéens et leur devenir face à l'évolution moderne de la systématique des plantes
Scharf, Sara T.;
Identification Keys, the “Natural Method,” and the Development of Plant Identification Manuals
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