Book ID: CBB212132197

Trafficking with Demons: Magic, Ritual, and Gender from Late Antiquity to 1000 (2021)


Rampton, Martha (Author)

Cornell University Press
Publication date: 2021
Language: English

Publication Date: 2021
Physical Details: 465

Trafficking with Demons explores how magic was perceived, practiced, and prohibited in western Europe during the first millennium CE. Through the overlapping frameworks of religion, ritual, and gender, Martha Rampton connects early Christian reckonings with pagan magic to later doctrines and dogmas. Challenging established views on the role of women in ritual magic during this period, Rampton provides a new narrative of the ways in which magic was embedded within the foundational assumptions of western European society, informing how people understood the cosmos, divinity, and their own Christian faith. As Rampton shows, throughout the first Christian millennium, magic was thought to play a natural role within the functioning of the universe and existed within a rational cosmos hierarchically arranged according to a "great chain of being." Trafficking with the "demons of the lower air" was the essense of magic. Interactions with those demons occurred both in highly formalistic, ritual settings and on a routine and casual basis. Rampton tracks the competition between pagan magic and Christian belief from the first century CE, when it was fiercest, through the early Middle Ages, as atavistic forms of magic mutated and found sanctuary in the daily habits of the converted peoples and new paganisms entered Europe with their own forms of magic. By the year 1000, she concludes, many forms of magic had been tamed and were, by the reckoning of the elite, essentially ineffective, as were the women who practiced it and the rituals that attended it.

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Authors & Contributors
Bailey, Michael David
Janowitz, Naomi
Ankarloo, Bengt
Burnett, Charles
Cameron, Euan
Clark, Stuart
Micrologus: Natura, Scienze e Società Medievali
Essays in Medieval Studies
History Workshop Journal
Russian Studies in History
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
SISMEL edizioni del Galluzzo
Pennsylvania State University Press
University of Pennsylvania Press
Cambridge University Press
Cornell University Press
Oxford University Press
Occult sciences
Science and religion
Witchcraft; demonology
Apollonios of Tyana
Hermes, Trismegistus
Locke, John
Newton, Isaac
Nider, Johannes
Time Periods
15th century
16th century
Early modern
Rome (Italy)

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