Article ID: CBB209443937

‘Today We Have All Got to be Fighting Fit’: The Interconnectivity of Gender Roles in British Food Rationing Propaganda during the Second World War (2020)


British food rationing of the Second World War was all encompassing, requiring women and men to take an active part in sustaining the consumption needs of the entire population in order to defeat the enemy. However, the road to victory was laden with gendered connotations, which officials infused into food rationing propaganda. These depictions ran along the lines of a sexual division of labour, perpetuating the ideal of the male provider or military figure and female domestic. However, while representations of men's and women's activities differed, they were also shown to be linked. Each gender was dependent on the other, forming cyclical bonds between women on the home front and men in civilian and non-civilian capacities. This article identifies and analyses women's and men's interconnectivity in food rationing propaganda in three key ways, namely by investigating the militarisation of food, exploring the connections between the home front breadwinner and the domestic, and examining women's responsibilities in feeding all British men in wartime, not just their husbands. This article argues that while the government placed women firmly in the centre of its propaganda aims, officials also constructed messages related to men's activities with food, which shifted with the demands of wartime needs.

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Authors & Contributors
Anderson, Julie
Bocking, Stephen A.
Charles, Loïc
Epting, Susan
Field, Judith Veronica
Jones, Edgar
Agricultural History
Archives of Natural History
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
Environment and History
University of Pennsylvania
Cambridge University Press
Bloomsbury Publishing
Cornell University Press
Oxford University Press
World War II
Science and war; science and the military
World War I
Food supply
Shotton, Frederick William
Simon, Franz
Paver, Gordon Lyall
Ponsford, David Ronald Arthur
Farrington, John Leonard
Kirkaldy, John Francis
Time Periods
20th century, early
20th century
18th century
19th century
20th century, late
Great Britain
United States

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