Jenks, Tiffany (Author)
Wanhalla, Angela (Author)
There are few extant studies in New Zealand that have investigated the lives of Second World War veterans who lived with war neurosis, and even less attention has been paid to how their families shared in this experience. Using the welfare claims files of the Dunedin Branch of the New Zealand Returned Services' Association (NZRSA) this article demonstrates the physical strain caused by care work, but also the emotional toll placed upon families due to financial hardship because of veteran unemployment, or from placement into treatment. Reflecting the fact that psychological illnesses are lifelong, the welfare claim files bring to light the lengthy and continuing support the NZRSA provided servicemen, and the essential role the association played in assisting these men and their families to navigate the government rehabilitation system.
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Michael Robinson;
Shell-shocked British Army veterans in Ireland, 1918-39: A difficult homecoming
Larsson, Marina;
Families and Institutions for Shell-Shocked Soldiers in Australia after the First World War
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Gallo, Tom;
(Fall-Winter 2016)
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Pickren, Wade E.;
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AD (Sandy) Macleod;
Symonds on fear and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Jessica L. Adler;
Help Without Hassles: Instituting Community-Based Care for U.S. Veterans after the War in Vietnam
Jones, Edgar;
Wessely, Simon;
Shell Shock to PTSD: Military Psychiatry from 1900 to the Gulf War
Suzannah Biernoff;
Portraits of Violence: War and the Aesthetics of Disfigurement
Larry M. Logue;
Peter Blanck;
Heavy Laden: Union Veterans, Psychological Illness, and Suicide
Carney, Amy Beth;
Victory in the Cradle: Fatherhood and the Family Community in the Nazi Schutzstaffel
Parsons, Gwen A.;
The Construction of Shell Shock in New Zealand, 1919--1939: A Reassessment
Baur, Nicole;
Family Influence and Psychiatric Care: Physical Treatments in Devon Mental Hospitals, c. 1920 to the 1970s
Baur, Nicole;
Family Influence and Psychiatric Care: Physical Treatments in Devon Mental Hospitals, c. 1920 to the 1970s
Roberts-Pedersen, Elizabeth;
A Weak Spot in the Personality? Conceptualising “War Neurosis” in British Medical Literature of the Second World War
Kampf, Antje;
Controlling Male Sexuality: Combating Venereal Disease in the New Zealand Military during Two World Wars
Linda Bryder;
Fathers and Hospital Childbirth in New Zealand
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