Clarke, Steve (Editor)
Savulescu, Julian (Editor)
Coady, Tony (Editor)
Giubilini, Alberto (Editor)
Sanyal, Sagar (Editor)
We humans can enhance some of our mental and physical abilities above the normal upper limits for our species with the use of particular drug therapies and medical procedures. We will be able to enhance many more of our abilities in more ways in the near future. Some commentators have welcomedthe prospect of wide use of human enhancement technologies, while others have viewed it with alarm, and have made clear that they find human enhancement morally objectionable. The Ethics of Human Enhancement examines whether the reactions can be supported by articulated philosophical reasoning, orperhaps explained in terms of psychological influences on moral reasoning. An international team of ethicists refresh the debate with new ideas and arguments, making connections with scientific research and with related issues in moral philosophy.
...MoreReview David Lambie (2018) Review of "The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Understanding the Debate". Metascience: An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science (pp. 75-78).
Maria Rosa Montinari;
Adult stem cells in cardiovascular medicine: historical overview and ethical issues
Clayton, Jay;
The Ridicule of Time: Science Fiction, Bioethics, and the Posthuman
Rosagemma Ciliberti;
Alessandro Bonsignore;
Paolo Gianatti;
Nicolò Patroniti;
Assisted suicide and new issues: The Ethics Committees
M'charek, Amade;
Hagendijk, Rob;
Vries, Wiebe de;
Equal before the Law: On the Machinery of Sameness in Forensic DNA Practice
Sebastiano Serafini;
La bioetica in Italia: da una storia di battaglie etico-politiche a spiragli di dialogo tra pensiero cattolico e pensiero laico
Hayden, Cori;
Taking as Giving: Bioscience, Exchange, and the Politics of Benefit-Sharing
Maurizio Balistreri;
La ricerca sugli embrioni umani alla luce dei nuovi scenari riproduttivi: considerazioni sull’individualità dell’embrione e sui limiti alla sperimentazione
Benjamin Hurlbut;
Experiments in Democracy: Human Embryo Research and the Politics of Bioethics
Enrico Furlan;
Il principialismo di Beauchamp e Childress: una ricostruzione storico-filosofica
Giovanni Fornero;
Maurizio Mori;
Laici e cattolici in bioetica: storia e teoria di un confronto
Almeida, Carla;
DalCol, Franciane Lovati;
Massarani, Luisa;
Controvérsia científica no telejornalismo brasileiro: um estudo sobre a cobertura das células-tronco no Jornal Nacional
Leopoldo Sandonà;
Dopo la bioetica
Jonna Brenninkmeijer;
Neurotechnologies of the Self: Mind, Brain and Subjectivity
Andrew Bickford;
Chemical Heroes: Pharmacological Supersoldiers in the US Military
Frank Sobiech;
Ethos, Bioethics, and Sexual Ethics in Work and Reception of the Anatomist Niels Stensen
Pierre-Luc Germain;
Luca Chiapperino;
Giuseppe Testa;
The European politics of animal experimentation: From Victorian Britain to ‘Stop Vivisection’
Rob Boddice;
The Science of Sympathy: Morality, Evolution, and Victorian Civilization
Gomela, Elana;
Science (Fiction) and Posthuman Ethics: Redefining the Human
Prescott, Heather Munro;
Using the Student Body: College and University Students as Research Subjects in the United States during the Twentieth Century
Carvalho, André Luis de Lima;
Waizbort, Ricardo;
A dor além dos confins do homem: aproximações preliminares ao debate entre Frances Power Cobbe e os darwinistas a respeito da vivissecção na Inglaterra vitoriana (1863--1904)
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