Article ID: CBB204104713

The Making of Commercial Innovations: The Use of Printed Commercial Circular Letters in France and Europe, 1750-1850 (Spring 2021)


Working from a database of over 1,700 printed circulars, this article explores the significance of the commercial innovations that took place during the second half of the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth. Studying the chronology of the introduction of printed circulars and their use in mercantile practices, we demonstrate that commercial innovation can be interpreted as the mobilization of new tools and old practices to solve the traditional problems of long-distance trade, in a context where circulars were used to communicate information on trade houses, to search for new commercial partners, and to display one's socioprofessional identity.

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Authors & Contributors
Bickers, Robert
Cohen, Mark R.
Harris, Ron
Khan, B. Zorina
Casson, Catherine
Dane Anthony Morrison
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
Business History Review
International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology
Princeton University Press
Yale University Press
Cambridge University Press
Columbia University Press
Business history
Business and commerce
Technological innovation
Industrial revolution
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
20th century
17th century
16th century
21st century
Great Britain
United States
Pennsylvania (U.S.)
British East India Company
Dutch East India Company
Siemag Feinmechanische Werke
Chance Brothers and Company

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