Book ID: CBB200115209

Sources in the History of Psychiatry, from 1800 to the Present (2022)


Millard, Chris (Author)
Wallis, Jennifer (Author)

Taylor & Francis
Publication date: 2022
Language: English

Publication Date: 2022
Physical Details: 229

This book offers a general introduction to historical sources in the history of psychiatry, delving into the range of sources that can be used to investigate this dynamic and exciting field. The chapters in this volume deal with physical sources that might be encountered in the archive, such as asylum casebooks, artwork, material artefacts, post-mortem records, more general types of source including medical journals, literature, public enquiries, and key themes within the field such as feminist sources, activist and survivor sources. Offering practical advice and examples for the novice, as well as insightful suggestions for the experienced scholar, the authors provide worked-through examples of how various source types can be used and exploited and reflect productively on the limits and constraints of different kinds of source material. In so doing it presents readers with a comprehensive guide on how to ‘read’ such sources to research and write the history of psychiatry. Methodically rigorous, clear and accessible, this is a vital reference for students just starting out within the field through to more experienced scholars experimenting with new and unfamiliar sources in the history of medicine and history of psychiatry more specifically.

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Authors & Contributors
Basso, Elisabetta
Berrios, German E.
Burgmair, Wolfgang
Cantor, David
Engstrom, Eric J.
García-Sancho, Miguel
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Mefisto: Rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia
History of Psychiatry
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
Environment and History
Manchester University Press
Libraries and archives
Historical method
Primary literature (historical sources)
Reference works for historians of science
Mental disorders and diseases
Kraepelin, Emil
Wimmer, August
Basaglia, Franco
Meggendorfer, Friedrich
Courvoisier, Leopold
Basaglia Ongaro, Franca
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
21st century
18th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
Great Britain
Munich (Germany)
United States
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Brazil)
University of Padua

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