Ahlberg, Kristin L. (Author)
Pursuing a human rights-based foreign policy had domestic ramifications for Jimmy Carter, both in terms of electoral politics and agricultural markets. Ideologically, food aid and human rights appeared to be on the same side of the foreign policy coin, but the Carter administration’s incorporation of food aid into its broader human rights strategy suggested a potentially adverse outcome for domestic agricultural producers and their champions in Congress. Although Carter did not initiate the human rights dialogue, his administration capitalized on a grassroots movement and deliberately sought to better institutionalize human rights, reevaluating existing military, security, and foreign economic policies in light of this commitment. However, significant changes within the federal bureaucracy, increased interagency coordination, and the process of applying conditions to aid placed the Carter administration in the position of contending with members of Congress who did not fully support Carter’s methodical approach to reform, especially if it threatened to undermine their own interests.
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