Engelmann, Lukas (Author)
This essay tells the story of the “Danysz virus,” a bacterial culture that was designed and deployed to cause epidemics among rodents and was sold globally by the Institut Pasteur from 1900. Jean Danysz (1860–1928) initially identified the culture during his studies of epidemics in population cycles of common voles. His experiments turned to the ambitious goal of increasing the bacteria’s virulence by emulating the rodent’s animal economy in the laboratory in order to mass-produce a culture. The bacterial culture was supposed to bring about a man-made epidemic for sale on the global pest- and plague-control market. The essay considers the Danysz virus as a “cognitive good” and analyzes the material as well as intellectual transfers that shaped its development, supported its international application, and prompted the experimental testing of its promises. While the culture largely failed to bring about the exponential growth of lethal infections in rat populations Danysz promised, the virus did succeed in distributing his theoretical revision of virulence. Through its commercial distribution, his product recast virulence as a function of the relation between bacteria and their milieu and offered a novel concept of mutual pathogenicity that far exceeded deterministic models of infection prevalent at the time.
Simon, Jonathan;
Monitoring the Stable at the Pasteur Institute
Serrón, Víctor;
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Epidemiological and Care Aspects of Tuberculosis in Valencia during the Spanish Civil War and the Immediate Postwar Period (1936-1941)
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Ellis, Harold;
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Condrau, Flurin;
Worboys, Michael;
Second Opinions: Epidemics and Infections in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Nunes, Everardo Duarte;
Henry Mayhew: jornalista, investigador social e precursor da pesquisa qualitativa
Nascimento, Dilene Raimundo do;
Silva, Matheus Alves Duarte da;
“Não é meu intuito estabelecer polêmica”: a chegada da peste ao Brasil, análise de uma controvérsia, 1899
Read, Ian;
A Triumphant Decline? Tetanus among Slaves and Freeborn in Brazil
Phillips, Howard;
Epidemics: The Story of South Africa's Five Most Lethal Human Diseases
Alcalá Ferráez, Carlos;
De miasmas a mosquitos: el pensamiento médico sobre la fiebre amarilla en Yucatán, 1890--1920
Almeida, Maria Antónia Pires de;
As epidemias nas notícias em Portugal: cólera, peste, tifo, gripe e varíola, 1854--1918
Briese, Olaf;
Angst in den Zeiten der Cholera
Tullo, Ellen;
Plague of Icy Breath. Cholera and the Gateshead Community 1831--1832
Mauro Rubini;
Nunzia Libianchi;
Alessandro Gozzi;
Paola Zaio;
Elena Dellù;
Infectious diseases in paleopathology: a methodological approach to epidemiological situations
Jacques Pépin;
The Origins of AIDS
Frank M. Snowden;
Epidemics and Society: From the Black Death to the Present
Glomski, Matthew;
Ohanian, Edward;
Eradicating a Disease: Lessons from Mathematical Epidemiology
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