Berrios, German E. (Author)
In his book Observations on the Zoonomia of Erasmus Darwin MD, Thomas Brown included a critical chapter on the analysis of madness proposed by Darwin in Zoonomia. Although neither Darwin nor Brown are ground-breaking in their views on madness, they illustrate the transitional accounts of madness that were being entertained at the end of the eighteenth century, particularly among writers who had studied at Edinburgh University.
Andrews, Jonathan;
Scull, Andrew T.;
Customers and Patrons of the Mad-Trade: The Management of Lunacy in Eighteenth-Century London with the Complete Text of John Monro's 1766 Case Book
Budge, Gavin;
Erasmus Darwin and the Poetics of William Wordsworth: “Excitement without the Application of Gross and Violent Stimulants”
List, Julia;
Erasmus Darwin's Beautification of the Sublime: Materialism, Religion and the Reception of The Economy of Vegetation in the Early 1790s
Wilson, Philip K.;
Drink, Dames and Disease: Erasmus Darwin on Inheritance
Sam George;
Carl Linnaeus, Erasmus Darwin and Anna Seward: Botanical Poetry and Female Education
Dahlia Porter;
Science, Form, and the Problem of Induction in British Romanticism
Smith, Christopher Upham Murray;
Arnott, Robert;
The Genius of Erasmus Darwin
Wade, Nicholas J.;
The Darwins and Wells: From Revolution to Evolution
Goldstein, Amanda Jo;
“Sweet Science”: Romantic Materialism and the New Sciences of Life
Kleinneiur, Joann;
The Chemical Revolution in British Poetry, 1772--1822
Elliott, Paul;
Erasmus Darwin, Herbert Spencer, and the Origins of the Evolutionary Worldview in British Provincial Scientific Culture, 1770--1850
King-Hele, Desmond;
Erasmus Darwin's Improved Design for Steering Carriages---And Cars
Page, Michael R.;
The Literary Imagination from Erasmus Darwin to H.G. Wells: Science, Evolution, and Ecology
Marshall, Ashley;
Erasmus Darwin contra David Hume
Flaherty, Niall O';
The Rhetorical Strategy of William Paley's Natural Theology (1802): Part 2, William Paley's Natural Theology and the Challenge of Atheism
Elliott, Paul A.;
Enlightenment, Modernity and Science: Geographies of Scientific Culture and Improvement in Georgian England
Dixon, Thomas;
The Psychology of the Emotions in Britain and America in the Nineteenth Century: The Role of Religious and Antireligious Commitments
Paoletti, Cristina;
Causes as Proximate Events: Thomas Brown and the Positivist Interpretation of Hume on Causality
Dixon, Thomas;
The Psychology of the Emotions in Britain and America in the Nineteenth Century: The Role of Religious and Antireligious Commitments
Charles Darwin;
Frederick Burkhardt;
James A. Secord;
Darwin Correspondence Project;
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 27, 1879
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