Zanatta, Alberto (Author)
Although scientific museology developed in Padua from different sources and attention, medical museology has a precise path, and it is especially interesting in defining medicine as a disciple of knowing or scientiae. In this chapter, I analyse the history of medical museology in Padua, revealing how much the history of medicine plays a crucial role in the development of medicine as a science, and in highlighting the central role of Padua in the history of medical knowledge. Scientific museology started in Padua with the Museum of Natural Philosophy of Antonio Vallisneri (1661-1730). By the end of the Seventeenth century, he started to collect specimens and rare product of nature. The purpose of his museum was to instruct students and demonstrate what Vallisneri called “philosophical curiosity,” a different concept from the 16th century Cabi-net of curiosities. In 1756, Giovanni Battista Morgagni (1682-1771) developed the Padua medical museology. He planned the creation of a museum of anatomical and pathological specimens. Regrettably, this project was never achieved. Luigi Calza (1736-1783) composed in the 1760s a series of anatomic models in wax and clay, used for Calza’s practical teaching to the pupils. This collection composed the cabinets of obstetrics. These models represented the physiology and the pathology of the pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Reports claim of an “anatomical cabinet” developed in Padua from the early XIX century: Leopoldo Marcantonio Caldani (1725-1813), Francesco Luigi Fanzago (1764-1836) and Francesco Cortese (1802-1883) collected pathological specimens in different part of the university. The final passage from Cabinet collection to pathological Museum took place in the early 1870s, thanks to Lodovico Brunetti (1813-1899).
...MoreBook Fabrizio Baldassarri; Fabio Zampieri (2021) Scientiae in the History of Medicine.
Fabio Zampieri;
Giovanni Battista Morgagni: La nascita della medicina moderna
Paolo Casini;
Scienza e illuminismo nel Settecento italiano: L'eredità di Galileo da Frisi a Volta
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Il miracolo inutile. Antonio Vallisneri e le scienze della Terra in Europa tra XVII e XVIII secolo
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Il metodo anatomo-clinico tra meccanicismo ed empirismo: Marcello Malpighi, Antonio Maria Valsalva, Giovanni Battista Morgagni
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Carriere universitarie e mondo del libro : Giambattista Morgagni fra libri, lettori ed editori
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La tradizione galileiana e lo sperimentalismo naturalistico d'età moderna
Zampieri, Fabio;
Zanatta, Alberto;
Rippa-Bonati, Maurizio;
L’enigma della «suicida punita»: un preparato anatomico di Lodovico Brunetti vincitore della medaglia d’oro all’esposizione universal di Parigi del 1867
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The Anatomy Theater: Towards a Performative History
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The University of Padua Medical School from the Origins to the Early Modern Time: A Historical Overview
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Rethinking and reinterpreting the 18th–19th century wax models of the Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia's Museum Centre (In studiis artistarum project)
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Mariano Martini;
“Chi l’ha detto?”. Un caso emblematico di errata attribuzione
Messbarger, Rebecca;
The Re-Birth of Venus in Florence's Royal Museum of Physics and Natural History
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Un Manoscritto inedito di Giovanni Alessandro Brambilla su Giovanni Battista Morgagni
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Giovanni Donadelli;
Chiara Gallanti;
Elena Canadelli;
Esplora Misura Racconta. Alle origini del primo Museo di Geografia in Italia
Giovanni Magno;
Fabio Zampieri;
Alberto Zanatta;
From pathologist to surgeon: the surgical tools inventions and techniques of Lodovico Brunetti
Maerker, Anna;
Anatomy and Public Enlightenment: The Florentine Museo “La Specola”
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Marble Busts and Fish Fossils: The Catalog of the Museum of naturalia and artificialia at the University of Padua (1797)
Fabrizio Baldassarri;
Elements of Descartes’ Medical Scientia: Books, Medical Schools, and Collaborations
Massimo Galtarossa;
Desiderio di verità ed epistole ‘fittizie’ in Giambattista Morgagni
Ongaro, Giuseppe;
Morgagni uditore a Padova nel 1707
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