Book ID: CBB177808431

Rodeo: An Animal History (2020)


Nance, Susan (Author)

University of Oklahoma Press
Publication date: 2020
Language: English

Publication Date: 2020
Physical Details: 312

"What would rodeo look like if we took it as a record, not of human triumph and resilience, but of human imperfection and stubbornness?” asks animal historian Susan Nance. Against the backdrop of the larger histories of ranching, cattle, horses, and the environment in the West, this book explores how the evolution of rodeo has reflected rural western beliefs and assumptions about the natural world that have led to environmental crises and served the beef empire. By unearthing behind-the-scenes stories of rodeo animals as diverse individuals, this book lays bare contradictions within rodeo and the rural West. For almost 150 years, westerners have used rodeo to symbolically reenact their struggles with animals and the land as uniformly progressive and triumphant. Nance upends that view with accounts of individual animals that reveal how diligently rodeo people have worked to make livestock into surrogates for the trials of rural life in the West and the violence in its history. Western horses and cattle were more than just props. Rodeo reclaims their lived history through compelling stories of anonymous roping steers and calves who inspired reform of the sport, such as the famed but abused bucker Steamboat, and the many broncs and bulls, famous or not, who unknowingly built an industry. Rodeo is a dangerous sport that reveals many westerners as people proudly tolerant of risk and violence, and ready to impose these values on livestock. In Rodeo: An Animal History, Nance pushes past standard histories and the sport’s publicity to show how rodeo was shot through with stubbornness and human failing as much as fortitude and community spirit.

Reviewed By

Review Laura J. Arata (2023) Review of "Rodeo: An Animal History". Agricultural History (pp. 146-151). unapi

Review Tracey Hanshew (2021) Review of "Rodeo: An Animal History". American Historical Review (pp. 1651-1652). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Novick, Tamar
Welk-Joerger, Nicole
Abbott, Scott
Derry, Margaret Elsinor
Greene, Ann Norton
Mishra, Saurabh
Technology and Culture
Agricultural History
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Journal of the History of Biology
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
University of Nebraska Press
Harvard University Press
Princeton University Press
University of California Press
Medieval Institute Publications
Human-animal relationships
Galli, Arturo
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
7th century
United States
East Africa
Persia (Iran)
Colorado (U.S.)

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