Padamsee, Tasleem J. (Author)
The history of US government action on HIV/AIDS offers important lessons concerning the limits and possibilities of US public health policy. Yet only the first decade of this history has previously been well-documented. This article updates the history by constructing a macro-level account of policies that have been considered and implemented, along with the discourses and debates that have shaped them. This account is generated through systematic study of many dozens of policy making moments, drawing on >70 original interviews, >20,000 daily news reports and hundreds of contemporaneous policy documents. The paper chronicles HIV/AIDS policy from the initial years when the federal government resisted addressing the crisis; through subsequent periods shaped by alternating Republican and Democratic administrations; to contemporary policy making in an era when broader health policy transitions offer hope of normalized treatment and coverage for people with HIV, and scientific innovations offer the possibility of ending HIV/AIDS itself. It also illuminates how national HIV/AIDS policy is not only a series of responses to the concrete challenges of a health crisis, but also a malleable political product and a resource used to wage broader social and ideological battles.
K. Pienaar;
Politics in the Making of HIV/AIDS in South Africa
Kazanjian, Powel;
The AIDS Pandemic in Historic Perspective
Richard Andrew McKay;
Patient Zero and the Making of the Aids Epidemic
Gostin, Lawrence O.;
The AIDS Pandemic: Complacency, Injustice, and Unfulfilled Expectations
Kenneth Maes;
The Lives of Community Health Workers: Local Labor and Global Health in Urban Ethiopia
Barreras, Ricardo E.;
Torruella, Rafael A.;
New York City's Struggle over Syringe Exchange: A Case Study of the Intersection of Science, Activism, and Political Change
Brier, Jennifer;
Infectious Ideas: U.S. Political Responses to the AIDS Crisis
Denis, Philippe;
New Patterns of Disclosure: How HIV-Positive Support Group Members from KwaZulu-Natal Speak of Their Status in Oral Narratives
Dan Royles;
To Make the Wounded Whole: The African American Struggle against HIV/AIDS
Carolina De Rosis;
The Organization of the Fight against HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia: Rallying around Afflictions
Aliete Cunha-Oliveira;
Para uma história do VIH/Sida em Portugal e dos 30 anos da epidemia (1983-2013)
Crane, Johanna Tayloe;
Scrambling for Africa: AIDS, Expertise, and the Rise of American Global Health Science
Mukherjea, Ananya;
Bodies of Knowledge: The Contested Construction of Technologies and Information of the HIV/AIDS Epidemics in Calcutta and New York City
Shane Doyle;
Pandemics and soft power: HIV/AIDS and Uganda on the global stage
Nattrass, Nicoli;
The AIDS Conspiracy: Science Fights Back
Virginia Berridge;
The Many Endings of Recent Epidemics: HIV/AIDS, Swine Flu 2009, and Policy
Vallgårda, Signild;
Problematizations and Path Dependency: HIV/AIDS Policies in Denmark and Sweden
Janet Weston;
Virginia Berridge;
AIDS Inside and Out: HIV/AIDS and Penal Policy in Ireland and England & Wales in the 1980s and 1990s
King, Nicholas B.;
The Scale Politics of Emerging Diseases
Saul, Jessie Elizabeth;
The Tainted Gift: A Comparative Study of the Culture and Politics of theContamination of the Blood Supply with the AIDS Virus in France and the United States
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