Book ID: CBB173880529

Seeds of power: Environmental injustice and genetically modified soybeans in Argentina (2020)


Amalia Leguizamón (Author)

Duke University Press
Publication date: 2020
Language: English

Publication Date: 2020
Physical Details: 207

SEEDS OF POWER explores the adoption and implementation of genetically modified (GM), herbicide-tolerant soybeans in Argentina, arguing that GM crops are not a technological solution promoting sustainable development, but rather, a tool of power that serves to create quiescence and consent in the face of environmental injustice. As the third largest global grower and exporter of GM crops, Argentina serves as an important case study to highlight the resulting agrochemical spraying, deforestation, and violent displacement of peasant and indigenous populations. Amalia Leguizamón explores the emergence of and obstacles to collective environmental action over the past decade. Leguizamón employs the analytical framework of "synergies of power" to describe the actors that create and legitimate human suffering, social inequality, and environmental degradation, while also working to diminish the power of social movements against extractivism. (Publisher)

Reviewed By

Review Marlene Gómez Becerra (2022) Review of "Seeds of power: Environmental injustice and genetically modified soybeans in Argentina". Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society. unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Bailey, Britt
Burchell, Kevin
Cao, Cong
Charnley, Berris
Curry, Helen Anne
Davidson, Sarah Nell
Public Understanding of Science
Science as Culture
Cornell University
Yale University
Columbia University Press
Harvard University Press
Iowa State Press
Genetic engineering
Genetically modified foods (GMO)
Transgenic plants
Controversies and disputes
Time Periods
21st century
20th century, late
20th century
19th century
20th century, early
United States
South America
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

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