Article ID: CBB172370519

The intersections between infrastructures and expectations: Repair and breakdown in Yachay, the city of knowledge in Ecuador (2019)


José David Gómez-Urrego (Author)

Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Pages: 495-539
Publication date: 2019
Language: English

Publication Date: 2019
Edition Details: Thematic Cluster: Frail Modernities: Latin American Infrastructures between Repair and Ruination

This paper explores the temporalities of infrastructuring, breakdown, and repair/disrepair interacting generatively – materially and symbolically – in “Yachay, the city of knowledge,” the most ambitious and controversial public infrastructural project in Ecuador’s history. I analyze the roles of expectations, and the infrastructural dynamics in the process of shaping Yachay during its intragovernmental scaling-up from a technical university to a city of knowledge; and during the material implementation of some of its basic physical infrastructure. I also highlight the embeddedness of the expectations in particular pasts and historical trajectories, thus extending the common use of expectations as only oriented to the future. The argument presented here draws on fieldwork conducted in Yachay for 14 months between 2016 and 2018.

Associated with

Article Raquel Velho; Sebastián Ureta (2019) Frail modernities: Latin American infrastructures between repair and ruination. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society (pp. 428-441). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Ureta, Sebastián
Engels, Jens Ivo
Gupta, Akhil
Hackett, Edward J.
Henke, Christopher R.
Knowles, Scott Gabriel
Science, Technology, and Human Values
Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society
Social Studies of Science
HOST: Journal of History of Science and Technology
Technology and Culture
The MIT Press
Science and technology studies (STS)
Maintenance and repair
Foucault, Michel
Wajcman, Judith
Time Periods
21st century
20th century
20th century, late
United States

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