David Demortain (Author)
The US Environmental Protection Agency was established in 1970 to protect the public health and environment, administering and enforcing a range of statutes and programs. Over four decades, the EPA has been a risk bureaucracy, formalizing many of the methods of the scientific governance of risk, from quantitative risk assessment to risk ranking. Demortain traces the creation of these methods for the governance of risk, the controversies to which they responded, and the controversies that they aroused in turn. He discusses the professional networks in which they were conceived; how they were used; and how they served to legitimize the EPA. Demortain argues that the EPA is structurally embedded in controversy, resulting in constant reevaluation of its credibility and fueling the evolution of the knowledge and technologies it uses to produce decisions and to create a legitimate image of how and why it acts on the environment. He describes the emergence and institutionalization of the risk assessment–risk management framework codified in the National Research Council's Red Book, and its subsequent unraveling as the agency's mission evolved toward environmental justice, ecological restoration, and sustainability, and as controversies over determining risk gained vigor in the 1990s. Through its rise and fall at the EPA, risk decision-making enshrines the science of a bureaucracy that learns how to make credible decisions and to reform itself, amid constant conflicts about the environment, risk, and its own legitimacy.
Yohe, Gary;
(Fall 2010)
Risk Assessment and Risk Management for Infrastructure Planning and Investment
Hoffman, Karen;
Unheeded Science: Taking Precaution out of Toxic Water Pollutants Policy
Ashenmiller, Joshua Ross;
The National Environmental Policy Act in the Green Decade, 1969--1981
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Donald K. Yeomans;
Meg Rosenburg;
A History of Near-Earth Objects Research: NASA Planetary Defense Coordination Office
Levidow, Les;
Murphy, Joseph;
Carr, Susan;
Recasting “Substantial Equivalence”:Transatlantic Governance of GM Food
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Drugs and the FDA: Safety, Efficacy, and the Public's Trust
Alissa Cordner;
Toxic Safety: Flame Retardants, Chemical Controversies, and Environmental Health
Andrew J. Ross;
An Icy Feud in Planetary Science: Carl Sagan, Edward Teller, and the Ideological Roots of the Nuclear Winter Debates, 1980–1984
Evan Hepler-Smith;
(July 2019)
Molecular Bureaucracy: Toxicological Information and Environmental Protection
Collin, Robert W.;
The Environmental Protection Agency: Cleaning Up America's Act
Aya H. Kimura;
Fukushima ETHOS: Post-Disaster Risk Communication, Affect, and Shifting Risks
Scully, John R.;
(Summer 2016)
The Corrosion Crisis in Flint, Michigan: A Call for Improvements in Technology Stewardship
Whitney, Kristoffer;
Domesticating Nature? Surveillance and Conservation of Migratory Shorebirds in the “Atlantic Flyway”
Becky Mansfield;
Deregulatory science: Chemical risk analysis in Trump’s EPA
Edmond, Gary;
Expertise in Regulation and Law
Le Roux, Thomas;
Les effondrements de carrières de Paris: La grande réforme des années 1770
Katrin Jordan;
Ausgestrahlt: Die mediale Debatte um »Tschernobyl« in der Bundesrepublik und in Frankreich 1986/87
Rijswoud, Erwin van;
Shifting Expert Configurations and the Public Credibility of Science: Boundary Work and Identity Work of Hydraulic Engineers (1980--2009)
David Merritt Johns;
Good Evidence, Bad Evidence: Science, Ethics, and the Politics of Making and Unmaking Public Health Policies
VandeWall, Holly R.;
Expertise and the Disunity of Science: A Case Study in the Difficulties of Providing Expert Advice for Policy
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