Ohry, Avi (Author)
Matthewson, Mandy (Author)
The contributions of Australians on shell shock are absent from the literature. However, two Australians were pioneers in the treatment of shell shock: George Elton Mayo (1880–1949) and Dr Thomas Henry Reeve Mathewson (1881–1975). They used psychoanalytic approaches to treat psychiatric patients and introduced the psychoanalytic treatment of people who suffered from shell shock. Their ‘talking cure’ was highly successful and challenged the view that shell shock only occurred in men who were malingering and/or lacking in fortitude. Their work demonstrated that people experiencing mental illness could be treated in the community at a time when they were routinely treated as inpatients. It also exemplified the substantial benefits of combining science with clinical knowledge and skill in psychology and psychiatry.
Tyquin, Michael;
Madness and the Military: Australia's Experience of the Great War
Larsson, Marina;
Families and Institutions for Shell-Shocked Soldiers in Australia after the First World War
AD (Sandy) Macleod;
Abrupt treatments of hysteria during World War I, 1914–18
Loughran, Tracey;
Hysteria and Neurasthenia in Pre-1914 British Medical Discourse and in Histories of Shell-Shock
Stefanie Caroline Linden;
When war came home: air-raid shock in World War I
Neuner, Stephanie;
Politik und Psychiatrie: die staatliche Versorgung psychisch Kriegsbeschädigter in Deutschland 1920--1939
Villasante, Olga;
“War Neurosis” during the Spanish Civil War (1936--39)
Matsumura, Janice;
State Propaganda and Mental Disorders: The Issue of Psychiatric Casualties among Japanese Soldiers during the Asia-Pacific War
Loughran, Tracey;
Shell-Shock and Psychological Medicine in First World War Britain
Schechter, Kate;
Illusions of a Future: Psychoanalysis and the Biopolitics of Desire
Berkenkotter, Carol;
Patient Tales: Case Histories and the Uses of Narrative in Psychiatry
Greenberg, Gary;
The Book of Woe: The DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry
Alison Watts;
Experimental Treatments: Women, Gender, and ‘Maternal Insanity’ in Victorian Psychiatric Institutions, 1920–36
Anna Grillini;
La guerra in testa: Esperienze e traumi di civili, profughi e soldati nel manicomio di Pergine Valsugana (1909-1924)
Ben Harris;
Courtney J. Stevens;
Practicing Mind-Body Medicine Before Freud: John G. Gehring, the “Wizard of the Androscoggin”
Yu-Chuan Wu;
Hypnosis, psychoanalysis, and Morita therapy: The evolution of Kokyō Nakamura’s psychotherapeutic theories and practices
Jan Kornaj;
Approaching Polish madness: concepts and treatment of psychosis in Polish psychiatry of the inter-war period
Dr Shilpi Rajpal;
Curing Madness?: A Social and Cultural History of Insanity in Colonial North India, 1800-1950s
Lee, Bang Hyun;
Modern Approach to Treating Mental Patients in Colonial Chosun
Linden, Stefanie Caroline;
Jones, Edgar;
German Battle Casualties: The Treatment of Functional Somatic Disorders during World War I
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