Book ID: CBB159018057

Che cos'è la medicina narrativa (2022)


Stefano Calabrese (Author)
Valentina Conti (Author)
Chiara Fioretti (Author)

Carocci Editore
Publication date: 2022
Language: Italian

Publication Date: 2022
Physical Details: 128 pp.

L’approccio basato sulla medicina narrativa nasce verso la fine degli anni Novanta del Novecento e il suo scopo principale è l’introduzione nei protocolli medico-sanitari di un orientamento “relazionale” con il paziente. Il volume prende in esame le principali metodologie proprie della medicina narrativa, che si è posta come integrazione della evidence-based medicine, in quanto la testimonianza del paziente e del suo vissuto è divenuta centrale ai fini terapeutici al pari dei sintomi fisici della malattia, mettendo in luce l’evoluzione in questi decenni delle teorie e degli usi della narrazione come strumento di sostegno in campo terapeutico. [Abstract translated by Google Translate: This is the abstract in English… The approach based on narrative medicine was born in the late nineties of the twentieth century and its main purpose is the introduction of a "relational" orientation with the patient in medical-health protocols. The volume examines the main methodologies of narrative medicine, which is an integration of evidence-based medicine, as the testimony of the patient and his experience has become central to therapeutic purposes like the physical symptoms of the disease, putting in light of the evolution in recent decades of theories and uses of narration as a support tool in the therapeutic field.]

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Authors & Contributors
Maria Di Maro
Orsini, Davide
Martini, Mariano
Merola, Valeria
Fortuna, Stefania
Hippocrates of Cos
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Mefisto: Rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine
Journal of Literature and Science
Science as Culture
Medicina Historica
Edizioni ETS
Harvard University
Basic Books
Cornell University Press
Doctor-patient relationships
Medicine and society
Medicine and ethics
Narrative medicine
Beckett, Samuel
Foucault, Michel
Hippocrates of Cos
Time Periods
21st century
20th century
20th century, late
18th century
19th century
United States
United Kingdom
La Fédération québécoise de l’autisme

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