Macleod, Sandy (Author)
Prominent English neurologist Sir Charles Symonds, during World War II service with the Royal Air Force, published a series of articles emphasizing the role of fear initiating psychological breakdown in combat airmen (termed Lack of Moral Fibre). Having served in a medical capacity in the previous war, Symonds re-presented the phylogenetic conceptualizations formed by his colleagues addressing ‘shell shock’. In 2013, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) re-classified Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), removing the diagnosis from the category of Anxiety Disorders. This was the view introduced a century ago by the trench doctors of World War I and affirmed by Symonds’ clinical experience and studies in World War II.
James Mills;
Pandora's box closed: The Royal Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine and Nazi medical experiments on human beings during World War II
Jones, Edgar;
“LMF”: The Use of Psychiatric Stigma in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War
Matsumura, Janice;
State Propaganda and Mental Disorders: The Issue of Psychiatric Casualties among Japanese Soldiers during the Asia-Pacific War
Pietsch, Roland;
Hearts of Oak and Jolly Tars? Heroism and Insanity in the Georgian Navy
Jones, Edgar;
“LMF”: The Use of Psychiatric Stigma in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War
David Kieran;
Signature Wounds: The Untold Story of the Military's Mental Health Crisis
Jones, Edgar;
Wessely, Simon;
Shell Shock to PTSD: Military Psychiatry from 1900 to the Gulf War
Jones, Edgar;
Wessely, Simon;
War Syndromes: The Impact of Culture on Medically Unexplained Symptoms
Filiberto Agostini;
Ernesto Belmondo e l'ospedale psichiatrico di Padova durante la Grande Guerra. Esordio di una ricerca
Leese, Peter;
Shell Shock: Traumatic Neurosis and the British Soldiers of the First World War
Matteo Borri;
La psichiatria europea e il fronte
James Esposito;
Oxygen Sense: Creating Embodied Knowledge to Promote Health Innovation in the Royal Air Force, 1939–45
Tiffany Jenks;
Angela Wanhalla;
Psychological Casualties: War Neurosis, Rehabilitation, and the Family in Post–World War II New Zealand
Anderson, K. D.;
Weather Services at War
Harvey, A. D.;
A Slow Start: Military Air Transport at the Beginning of the Second World War
Alejandra Vieyra;
Ana Barahona;
Clinical practices: Epilepsy at the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic, London, from 1860 to 1870
Nadeem Toodayan;
Eric Matteson;
Adolf Kussmaul (1822–1902), and the naming of “poliomyelitis”
Donato Bragatto;
Adello Vanni;
Le nevrosi di guerra, l’anafilassi psichica e la sedizione criminaloide a Villa del Seminario (1916-1917)
Rebecca Ayako Bennette;
Diagnosing Dissent: Hysterics, Deserters, and Conscientious Objectors in Germany During World War One
AD (Sandy) Macleod;
Abrupt treatments of hysteria during World War I, 1914–18
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