Salvia, Stefano (Author)
Galileo’s early inquiries on motion and free fall in Pisa (1588–1592) can be regarded as a case study of multiple knowledge transfer at the very basic roots of modern mechanics. The treatise De motu, unpublished until 1890, is an original but unsuccessful attempt to go beyond Aristotelian physics by extending Archimedean hydrostatics to the dynamics of natural motion and reappraising the late-medieval impetus theory to account for violent motion and acceleration. I will discuss in particular why Galileo was forced to abandon his project before moving to Padua and how the manuscripts De motu provided him with a “research agenda” for further theoretical and experimental investigation.
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Roux, Sophie;
La moindre petite force peut mouvoir un corps sur un plan horizontal: l'émergence d'un principe mécanique et son devenir cosmologique
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Découvrir le principe d'inertie
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Naufragi di terra e di mare: Da Leonardo da Vinci a Theodor Mommsen alla ricerca dei codici Albani
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The Law of Inertia: How Understanding Its History Can Improve Physics Teaching
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Three historical issues dealing with time and inertia in relation to present physics
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Honoré Fabri and the Trojan Horse of Inertia
Couloubaritsis, Lambros;
Purification par Baliani de la théorie ancienne du mouvement et généralisation du principe d'inertie
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Galileo, Modern Science and the Principle of Inertia
Pietro Daniel Omodeo;
Riflessioni sul moto terrestre nel Rinascimento: tra filosofia naturale, meccanica e cosmologia
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La chute des corps, le mouvement des corps célestes et l'unification des mondes
Martin Frank;
Pier Daniele Napolitani;
Il giovane Galileo e Guidobaldo dal Monte: discepolo e maestro?
Thomas B. Settle;
On the Medieval Empirical Know-how Behind Precise Early Modern Science: The Case of Galileo
Valleriani, Matteo;
The Transformation of Aristotle's Mechanical Questions: A Bridge between the Italian Renaissance Architects and Galileo's First New Science
Capecchi, Danilo;
La resistenza dei materiali tra Cinquecento e Seicento
Cesare S. Maffioli;
Not a Limit of Art but of Nature: Cardano and Galileo on the Suction Lift of Water
Schemmel, Matthias;
Thomas Harriot as an English Galileo: The Force of Shared Knowledge in Early Modern Mechanics
Thomas B. Settle;
On the Medieval Empirical Know-how Behind Precise Early Modern Science : the case of Galileo
Raffaele Pisano;
Il ruolo della scienza archimedea nei lavori di meccanica di Galilei e Torrricelli
Ivan Malara;
Galileo and His Sources? A Different Methodological Approach to Galileo’s Juveni-lia
Mario Otto Helbing;
Le Note di logica del Ms. Gal. 27: alcune osservazioni sull'edizione Edwards-Wallace
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