Book ID: CBB136949150

From Clinic to Concentration Camp: Reassessing Nazi Medical and Racial Research, 1933-1945 (2017)


Weindling, Paul J. (Editor)

Publication date: 2017
Language: English

Publication Date: 2017
Physical Details: 392 pp.

Representing a new wave of research and analysis on Nazi human experiments and coerced research, the chapters in this volume deliberately break from a top-down history limited to concentration camp experiments under the control of Himmler and the SS. Instead the collection positions extreme experiments (where research subjects were taken to the point of death) within a far wider spectrum of abusive coerced research. The book considers the experiments not in isolation but as integrated within wider aspects of medical provision as it became caught up in the Nazi war economy, revealing that researchers were opportunistic and retained considerable autonomy. The sacrifice of so many prisoners, patients and otherwise healthy people rounded up as detainees raises important issues about the identities of the research subjects: who were they, how did they feel, how many research subjects were there and how many survived? This underworld of the victims of the elite science of German medical institutes and clinics has until now remained a marginal historical concern. Jews were a target group, but so were gypsies/Sinti and Roma, the mentally ill, prisoners of war and partisans. By exploring when and in what numbers scientists selected one group rather than another, the book provides an important record of the research subjects having agency, reconstructing responses and experiential narratives, and recording how these experiments – iconic of extreme racial torture – represent one of the worst excesses of Nazism.

Reviewed By

Review Nicoletta I. Fotinos (2018) Review of "From Clinic to Concentration Camp: Reassessing Nazi Medical and Racial Research, 1933-1945". British Journal for the History of Science (pp. 532-533). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Doyle, Dennis
Weindling, Paul J.
Guerrini, Anita
Holloway, Karla F. C.
Pellegrino, Edmund D.
Ramsden, Edmund
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
Social History of Medicine
Acta Historica Leopoldina
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
Palgrave Macmillan
Duke University Press
Franz Steiner Verlag
Georgetown University Press
Johns Hopkins University Press
LIT Verlag
Medicine and ethics
Biology and ethics; bioethics
Medicine and race
Medical research
Human experimentation
African Americans
Beecher, Henry Knowles
Katz, Jay
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
20th century, late
20th century, early
United States
New York City (New York, U.S.)
National Institute of Health (U.S.)
United States. Public Health Service

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