Article ID: CBB133910560

The hallmark of anonymity. Questions of authorship in the Hippocratic Corpus, specifically regarding the so-called ‘Author C’ (2020)


Since Émile Littré’s edition, particular attention has been paid to a group of Hippocratic treatises, "On Generation/On the Nature of the Child" + "On Diseases 4," which show a significant range of affinities and common elements in language, style, content, and thought. Studies by Hermann Grensemann in the 1980s contributed to further philological analysis of the peculiar traits of the so-called Hippocratic ‘author C’, widening the field of investigation, to include gynaecological treatises such as "On Diseases of Women 1-2" as well as parts of "On Infertile Women." Recently, new light has also been shed by Elizabeth Craik (in her 2009 edition of "On Glands") on the historical and cultural setting in which the work of the anonymous physician is to be placed. This paper aims firstly to summarise the state of research on ‘author C’, discussing the criteria which scholars have used to define and date his work, and paying particular attention to the general question of authorship in the specific context of the Hippocratic tradition. In the second part of the essay, I present the results of an in-depth lexicographical analysis of two terms (ἀΐσσω and its compounds; εὐρυχωρίη/στενοχωρίη with corresponding verbal forms) which are characteristic of the author’s language. Further, I compare author C’s nosological theory, as presented in "On Diseases 4," with the nosology of the physician Aegimius of Elis, as presented in the doxography of Anonymus Londiniensis (xiii 21-47).

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Authors & Contributors
Bourbon, Florence
Calá, Irene
Cañizares, Pilar Pérez
Coughlin, Sean Michael Pead
Fox, Robin Lane
Garofalo, Ivan
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology
Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi
Fabrizio Serra Editore
Linguistics; philology
Greek language
Ecdotics; source study (methodology)
Hippocratic medicine
Hippocrates of Cos
John of Alexandria
Soranus of Ephesus
Time Periods
4th century

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