Domínguez, Martí (Author)
Lafita, Íngrid (Author)
Mateu, Anna (Author)
In this article, we study the evolution of opinion genres regarding climate change in three Spanish newspapers (El País, El Mundo, and ABC). Analyzing the op-ed articles in these newspapers, we observe a significant change in the evolution of opinion. While denialism was very present in conservative press in 2007, 7 years later it is almost absent from El Mundo, and its presence in ABC is much lower and inactive: this shows that scientific consensus has prevailed over time and Spanish denialism has weakened, exclusively supported by political arguments by the most conservative parties.
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Autzen, Charlotte;
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Green Metacycles of Attention: Reassessing the Attention Cycles of Environmental News Reporting 1961--2010
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Financial Markets and Authoritative Proximity in Personal Finance Magazines
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Kleinschmit, Daniela;
The BSE Crisis in German Newspapers: Reframing Responsibility
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