Miller, Eva (Author)
In 1918, German archaeologist Robert Koldewey, excavator of Babylon, Iraq, observed that the depiction of the fantastical “dragon of Babylon” on the sixth century BCE Ishtar Gate must reference a real animal whose closest relatives would be dinosaurs like the iguanodon. Though ignored within archaeology, Koldewey’s comments were taken up in German-American popular science writer Willy Ley’s “romantic zoology” (1941), then by Bernard Heuvelmans (1955), founding figure in the fringe field of cryptozoology. Their interpretations would ultimately inspire expeditions by the International Society of Cryptozoologists in Central Africa to find the Mokele-Mbembe, a “living dinosaur,” and migrate into Young Earth Creationist and ancient aliens theories. An analysis of Koldewey’s marginal academic observation serves as a means of considering the process of knowledge formation and canonization and the unpredictable life of scholarly ideas.
Gepper, Alexander C. T.;
Extraterrestrial Encounters: UFOs, Science and the Quest for Transcendence, 1947--1972
Goulden, Murray;
Bringing Bones to Life: How Science Made Piltdown Man Human
Hochadel, Oliver;
A Boom of Bones and Books: The “Popularization Industry” of Atapuerca and Human-Origins Research in Contemporary Spain
Jared S. Buss;
Willy Ley: Prophet of the Space Age
Jared Buss;
Willy Ley, the Science Writers, and the Popular Reenchantment of Science
Vaughn Scribner;
Merpeople: A Human History
Soledad Quereilhac;
Cuando la ciencia despertaba fantasías: prensa, literatura y ocultismo en la Argentina de entresiglos; (When science awakened fantasies: press, literature and occultism in Argentina between the centuries)
Obermaier, Sabine;
Tiere und Fabelwesen im Mittelalter
Burns, Elizabeth Iris;
Monster on the Margin: The Sea Serpent Phenomenon in New England, 1817--1849
Lara Pauline Karpenko;
Shalyn Rae Claggett;
Strange Science: Investigating the Limits of Knowledge in the Victorian Age
Marco Ciardi;
Il mistero degli antichi astronauti
Russell, Miles;
Digging Holes in Popular Culture: Archaeology and Science Fiction
Harvey, Thomas J.;
Rainbow Bridge to Monument Valley: Making the Modern Old West
Marco Ciardi;
Andrea Sani;
Incontri ravvicinati tra scienza e cinema
Macauley, William R.;
Crafting the Future: Envisioning Space Exploration in Post-War Britain
Dingwall, Robert;
Aldridge, Meryl;
Television Wildlife Programming as a Source of Popular Scientific Information: A Case Study of Evolution
Harrison, Henrietta;
Popular Responses to the Atomic Bomb in China 1945--1955
Sehgal, Narender K.;
Sangwan, Satpal;
Mahanti, Subodh;
Uncharted Terrains: Essays on Science Popularisation in Pre-Independence India
Hirshbein, Laura;
Sarvananda, Sharmalie;
History, Power, and Electricity: American Popular Magazine Accounts of Electroconvulsive Therapy, 1940--2005
Messier, Gilles;
Our Own Devices: Stories of the Machine Age
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