Antonelli, Francesca (Author)
This paper examines an episode of the history of chemistry, the campaign for the promotion of so-called “new chemistry,” dating to the second half of the 1780s, to investigate the ways in which women could build their own reputation. I focus on the case of Marie-Anne Paulze-Lavoisier (1758–1836), today known as the wife and scientific associate of the French chemist Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (1743–1794). Drawing on a wide set of published and unpublished sources – laboratory notebooks, travel diaries, letters, and drawings – I will delve deeper into their collaboration, showing how Paulze-Lavoisier appropriated the campaign for the new chemistry to appear as a visible actor in the scientific circles of the time. I will then highlight the multiple self-representations she produced while participating in these events.
...MoreArticle Elena Serrano; Joris Mercelis; Annette Lykknes (2022) 'I am not a Lady, I am a Scientist.': Chemistry, Women, and Gender in the Enlightenment and the Era of Professional Science. Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (pp. 203-220).
Francesca Antonelli;
Scrivere e sperimentare. Marie-Anne Paulze-Lavoisier, segretaria della “nuova chimica” (1771-1836)
Sandro Tirini;
Vita di Marie-Anne Paulze Lavoisier, contessa di Rumford
Kawashima, Keiko;
Madame Lavoisier et l'Essai sur le phlogistique
Peumery, Jean-Jacques;
Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze, épouse et collaboratrice de Lavoisier
Corinna Guerra;
Lavoisier e Parthenope. Contributo ad una storia della chimica nel Regno di Napoli
Beretta, Marco;
Rinman, Diderot, and Lavoisier: New Evidence regarding Guillaume-François Rouelle's Private Laboratory and Chemistry Course
Elena Serrano;
Patriotic Women: Chemistry and Gender in the Eighteenth-Century Spanish World
Beretta, Marco;
Imaging the Experiments on Respiration and Transpiration of Lavoisier and Séguin: Two Unknown Drawings by Madame Lavoisier
Kawashima, Keiko;
The Evolution of the Gender Question in the Study of Madame Lavoisier
Bret, Patrice;
Lavoisier, Guyton de Morveau e Berthollet, químicos e correspondentes (1772--1822): formas e usos da correspondéncia científica em torno da Revolução
Vera V. Mainz;
E. Thomas Strom;
The posthumous Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Volume 2, Ladies in waiting for the Nobel Prize
Kawashima, Keiko;
The collaboration of M. and Mme Lavoisier in the French translation of An essay on phlogiston. (In Japanese)
Kawashima, Keiko;
Gender Problems in the Transition of Studies on Madame Lavoisier
Badilescu, Simona;
Chemistry for Beginners. Women Authors and Illustrators of Early Chemistry Textbooks
Kawashima, Keiko;
Lécaille-Okamura, Ayako;
Badinter, Élisabeth;
Emilie du Châtelet et Marie-Anne Lavoisier: Science et genre au XVIIIe siècle
Monica Gaughan;
Barry Bozeman;
(August 2016)
Using the prisms of gender and rank to interpret research collaboration power dynamics
Kawashima, Keiko;
Marie Anne Lavoisier (1758--1836): une vie, deux révolution, la révolution chimique et la Révolution française
Adloff, Jean-Pierre;
Kauffman, George B.;
Marguerite Perey (1909--1975): A Personal Retrospective Tribute on the 30th Anniversary of Her Death
Vidal, Mary;
David among the moderns: Art, science, and the Lavoisiers
Fara, Patricia;
Images of Monsieur and Madame Lavoisier
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