Baldin, Gregorio (Author)
Paris, 1635: an interesting mathematical and scientific debate develops within Father Mersenne's circle. The problem concerns the ontological nature of the point and is known as the probleme de Poysson, taking its name from Jean-Baptiste Poysson de la Benerie. However, from the epistolary exchanges taking place among the philosophers and scientists involved, we deduce that the true author of the quaestio is Father Mersenne, and this hypothesis seems to be confirmed by the presence of a similar problem in Mersenne's works dated 1625. The topic was widely debated by important philosophers of the time, such as Campanella and Gassendi, and following the traces of this discussion we are able to uncover the history of a controversy which developed from Mersenne to Hobbes. Moreover, on detailed examination of the problem, different aspects and perspectives emerge, which involve not only mathematics and physics, but also optics and the nature of light.
Cozzoli, Daniele;
The Development of Mersenne's Optics
Gómez López, Susana;
The Mechanization of Light in Galilean Science
Antonio Clericuzio;
Gassendi and the English Mechanical Philosophers
Zemplén, Gábor Á.;
Demeter, Tamás;
Being Charitable to Scientific Controversies: On the Demonstrativity of Newton's Experimentum Crucis
Raffaele Cirino;
Fisica e metafisica della luce in Leibniz: la realtà tra apparenze ottiche e scienza di visione
Paolo Casini;
Hypotheses non fingo: tra Newton e Kant
Dijksterhuis, Fokko Jan;
Constructive Thinking: A Case for Dioptrics
Pantin, Isabelle;
Simulachrum, species, forma, imago: What Was Transported by Light into the Camera Obscura?: Divergent Conceptions of Realism Revealed by Lexical Ambiguities at the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century
Carla Rita Palmerino;
Galileo 'philosopher geometer' and his influence on Charleton, Barrow and Keill
Elisabetta Appetecchi;
«Tutta Roma sta in arme contro i Mattematici e i Fisicomattematici». Atomismo e prudenza accademica nella Roma di fine Seicento
Francesco Lofano;
Tra Roma e Napoli: due collezioni tra libertinismo e nuova scienza
Malet, Antoni;
The power of images: Mathematics and metaphysics in Hobbes's optics
Jesseph, Douglas M.;
Squaring the circle: The war between Hobbes and Wallis
Gregorio Baldin;
Hobbes and Galileo: Method, Matter and the Science of Motion
Maria Fiammetta Iovine;
La Luce (1698) by Giovanni Michele Milani – A Final Attempt at Reconciling Atomism and Religion in Seventeenth-Century Rome?
Giudice, Franco;
A Metaphysics of Vision: On the Origins of Thomas Hobbes’s Political and Moral Philosophy
Beaulieu, Armand;
Un moine à l'esprit libre
Lombardi, Anna Maria;
The Constitution of White Light: A Source for the New Questions of Quantum Mechanics
Graziella Federici Vescovini;
Ahmad Hasnawi;
Circolazione dei saperi nel Mediterraneo: filosofia e scienze (secoli IX-XVII)/Circulation des savoirs autour de la Méditerranée: philosophie et sciences (IXe-XVIIe siècle)
Pesic, Peter;
Thomas Young's Musical Optics: Translating Sound into Light
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