Pier Remigio Salvi (Author)
The purpose of this paper is to review Dalton’s contributions to science in various fields of research in relation to the first intimation of the chemical atomic theory. Early “germs” of his physical ideas may be found in the initial meteorological studies where water vapour is viewed as an “elastic fluid sui generis” diffused in the atmosphere and not as a species chemically combined with the other atmospheric gases. The next object of Dalton’s attention was atmosphere itself. He discarded affinity between atmospheric gases as a possible cause of homogeneity and, making recourse to Newtonian Principles, considered the repulsive forces among particles. Experiments on the “nitrous air test” and on the diffusion and solubility of gases were instrumental to arrive at the chemical atomic theory. The slow, laborious, and persevering work of Dalton to get the first table of atomic weights is a fascinating piece of science which may be fully appreciated by referring to his laboratory notebooks.
Zwier, Karen R.;
John Dalton's Puzzles: From Meteorology to Chemistry
Usselman, Melvyn C.;
Brown, Todd A.;
Atomic Theory and Multiple Combining Proportions: The Search for Whole Number Ratios
Pere Grapí;
The Reinvention of the Nitrous Gas: Eudiometrical Test in the Context of Dalton’s Law on the Multiple Proportions of Combination
Mark I. Grossman;
John Dalton’s “Aha” Moment: The Origin of the Chemical Atomic Theory
Grossman, Mark I.;
John Dalton and the London Atomists: William and Bryan Higgins, William Austin, and New Daltonian Doubts about the Origin of the Atomic Theory
Pier Remigio Salvi;
Dalton's Long Journey from Meteorology to the Chemical Atomic Theory
Tomory, Leslie;
Science and the Arts in William Henry's Research into Inflammable Air during the Early Nineteenth Century
Antonino Drago;
The "Virial Theorem" Derived from Lazare Carnot’s Mechanics. Its Role of Principle for the Kinetic Theory of Gases
Bennett, Michael;
Note-Taking and Data-Sharing: Edward Jenner and the Global Vaccination Network
Gregory S. Girolami;
A Book Collector’s View of the Periodic Table: Before Mendeleev.
Dalton, John;
Pellón González, Inés;
El atomismo en Química: Un nuevo sistema de Filosofía Química
Maria P. Banchetti-Robino;
The Changing Relation between Atomicity and Elementarity: From Lavoisier to Dalton
Oliver, Ronald W. A.;
Carrier, Michael;
The Library of John Dalton
Dmitriev, I. S.;
Anatomiia kontseptual'nogo khaosa. Printsipy opredeleniia atomnykh vesov i khimicheskikh formul v 1810-1850-kh gg.: teoreticheskie aspekty.
Gisela Boeck;
„Meinen kleinen Atomschwindel werden Sie erhalten haben.“ Julius Lothar (von) Meyer (1830 –1895) und das Periodensystem der Elemente ["You will have received my little atomic hoax". Julius Lothar (von) Meyer (1830 -1895) and the periodic table of the elements]
Gisela Boeck;
Julius Lothar (von) Meyer (1830-1895) and the Periodic System
Chris Campbell;
The Periodic Table as an Icon: A Perspective from the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce
Karoliina Pulkkinen;
Values and Periodicity: Mendeleev's Reception of the Equations of Mills, Chicherin, and Vincent
Ann E. Robinson;
Chemical Pedagogy and the Periodic System
Hamerla, R. Richard;
Edward Williams Morley and the Atomic Weight of Oxygen: The Death of Prout's Hypothesis Revisited
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