Article ID: CBB118441357

Dalton’s Long Journey from Meteorology to the Chemical Atomic Theory (2023)


The purpose of this paper is to review Dalton’s contributions to science in various fields of research in relation to the first intimation of the chemical atomic theory. Early “germs” of his physical ideas may be found in the initial meteorological studies where water vapour is viewed as an “elastic fluid sui generis” diffused in the atmosphere and not as a species chemically combined with the other atmospheric gases. The next object of Dalton’s attention was atmosphere itself. He discarded affinity between atmospheric gases as a possible cause of homogeneity and, making recourse to Newtonian Principles, considered the repulsive forces among particles. Experiments on the “nitrous air test” and on the diffusion and solubility of gases were instrumental to arrive at the chemical atomic theory. The slow, laborious, and persevering work of Dalton to get the first table of atomic weights is a fascinating piece of science which may be fully appreciated by referring to his laboratory notebooks.

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Authors & Contributors
Boeck, Gisela
Grossman, Mark I.
Bennett, Michael J.
Campbell, Christopher
Carrier, Michael
Dalton, John
Substantia: An International Journal of the History of Chemistry
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Acta Historica Leopoldina
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
Intellectual History Review
Alicante Publicaciones
Oxford University Press
University of Salford
Pavia University Press
Atomic weights
Chemical elements
Periodic system of the elements; periodic table
Dalton, John
Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovich
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent
Meyer, Julius Lothar
Boyle, Robert
Chicherin, Boris Nikolaevich
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
20th century, early
17th century
20th century
Great Britain
United Kingdom

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