Upstill, Garrett (Author)
Spurling, Thomas H. (Author)
The increased engagement of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) with Australian industry from the early 1980s to the late 1990s marks it as an unusual era for CSIRO. The reasons lie in CSIRO’s response to the economic and political background of the time and to government moves to reinvigorate the industrial sector. By the end of the century, external pressures for industry engagement had receded as macroeconomic conditions improved and Australian industry diversified. The engagement can be seen in the growth of direct contacts between CSIRO and research users and Australian companies that occurred across the organisation. This paper analyses CSIRO’s technology transfer policies and practices within an economic and political context and addresses two questions: why did the organisation’s approach to technology transfer change and how? We look at three mini-eras in the 1980s and 1990s and draw out major changes in technology transfer during these two decades.
Berman, Elizabeth Popp;
Creating the Market University: How Academic Science Became an Economic Engine
Garrett Upstill;
Promoting Australian Industry: CSIRO 1949–79
Kuteinikov, A. V.;
Shilov, V. V.;
Automated Management Systems for the Soviet Union: A 1959 Letter from A. I. Kitov to N. S. Khrushchev
Yokoyama, Hiromi M.;
Nakayachi, Kazuya;
Public Judgment on Science Expenditure in the National Budget of Japan: An Experimental Approach to Examining the Effects of Unpacking Science
Mirowski, Philip;
Science-Mart: Privatizing American Science
Willis, J. B.;
Deane, J. F.;
Trevor Pearcey and the First Australian Computer: A Lost Opportunity?
Garrett Upstill;
Thomas H. Spurling;
Terence J. Healy;
CSIR and Australian industry: 1926–49
Wayne Orchiston;
Peter Robertson;
Woodruff T. Sullivan III;
Golden Years of Australian Radio Astronomy: An Illustrated History
Christoff, Peter;
Climate Discourse Complexes, National Climate Regimes and Australian Climate Policy
Schlitz, Michael;
The Money Doctors from Japan: Finance, Imperialism, and the Building of the Yen Bloc, 1895--1937
McCarthy, Conal;
“Empirical Anthropologists Advocating Cultural Adjustments”: The Anthropological Governance of pirana Ngata and the Native Affairs Department
Milanesio, Natalia;
The Liberating Flame: Natural Gas Production in Peronist Argentina
Alff, David;
Swift's Solar Gourds and the Rhetoric of Projection
Crook, Tom;
O'Hara, Glen;
Statistics and the Public Sphere: Numbers and the People in Modern Britain, c. 1800--2000
Peter M. Colman;
Antony W. Burgess;
Colin Wesley Ward 1943–2017
Margaret H. Friedel;
Stephen R. Morton;
Gary N. Bastin;
Jocelyn Davies;
D. Mark Stafford Smith;
A history of CSIRO’s Central Australian Laboratory 2, 1980–2018: Interdisciplinary land research
Orchiston, Wayne;
George, Martin;
Slee, Bruce;
Wielebinski, Richard;
The History of Early Low Frequency Radio Astronomy in Australia. 1: The CSIRO Division of Radiophysics
Harry Wendt;
Wayne Orchiston;
The short-lived CSIRO Division of Radiophysics field station at Bankstown Aerodrome in Sydney
George E. Rogers;
Andrew Miller;
David A. D. Parry;
Robert Donald Bruce Fraser 1924–2019
Peter Horton;
Wah Soon Chow;
Christopher Barrett;
Joan Mary Anderson 1932–2015
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