Mazzarello, Paolo (Author)
Following the political unification of Italy, neurology was considered either as a subsection of internal medicine or as a field which was, in part, a companion to psychiatry. Indeed, it was only at the end of the 19th century that neurology began to develop into a more distinctive field and, accordingly, this paper outlines the various academic roots of Italian neurology and includes a brief description of the scientific activity of some of the most well-known names in this field from the end of the 19th to the first half of the 20th century.
Frank W. Stahnisch;
Die Neurowissenschaften in Straßburg zwischen 1872 und 1945. Forschungstätigkeiten zwischen politischen und kulturellen Zäsuren
Salisbury, Laura;
Shail, Andrew;
Neurology and Modernity: A Cultural History of Nervous Systems, 1800--1950
Sultana Banulescu;
Italian Psyche and Society: Politics and Networks in Italian Mind and Brain Science and Medicine, 1919–1939
Jacyna, L. S.;
Medicine and Modernism: A Biogrpahy of Sir Henry Head
Boling, Warren W.;
Ettl, Svenja;
Sano, Keiji;
Professor Uchimura, Ammon's Horn Sclerosis, and the German Influence on Japanese Neuroscience
Douglas J. Lanska;
The Development and Evolution of “Cerebral Thermometry”: Clinical Applications of a Nineteenth-Century Approach to Cerebral Localization and Neurological Diagnosis
Douglas J. Lanska;
The Development and Evolution of “Cerebral Thermometry”: The Physiology Underlying a Nineteenth-Century Approach to Cerebral Localization and Neurological Diagnosis
Bonnie Evans;
The origins of film, psychology and the neurosciences
Stiles, Anne;
Neurology and Literature, 1860--1920
Nadeem Toodayan;
Christopher J. Boes;
The Eponymous Legacy of Sir William Richard Gowers (1845–1915): A Revealing Letter
Nadeem Toodayan;
The Death of Sir Victor Horsley (1857–1916) and His Burial in Amarah
Malcolm Macmillan;
Snowy Campbell: Australian Pioneer Investigator of the Brain
Barbara, Jean-Gaël;
Relations médecine -- sciences dans l'individualisation des maladies nerveuses à la Salpêtrière à la fin du XIXe siècle
Lanska, Douglas J.;
Classic Articles of 19th-Century American Neurologists: A Critical Review
Luca Borghi;
Il medico di Roma. Vita, morte e miracoli di Guido Baccelli (1830-1916)
Casper, Stephen T.;
Atlantic Conjunctures in Anglo-American Neurology: Lewis H. Weed and Johns Hopkins Neurology, 1917--1942
Langer, Karen G.;
Babinski's Anosognosia for Hemiplegia in Early Twentieth-Century French Neurology
Fraidakis, Matthew J.;
Lugaro's Forgotten Legacy: The Hypothesis of Negative Neurotropism
Jones, J. Gareth;
Tansey, E. M.;
Stuart, Douglas G.;
Thomas Graham Brown (1882--1965): Behind the Scenes at the Cardiff Institute of Physiology
Huertas, Rafael;
Cura, Maria Isabel del;
Deficiency Neuropathy in Wartime: The “Paraesthetic-Causalgic Syndrome” Described by Manuel Peraita during the Spanish Civil War
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