Article ID: CBB102908703

Le nevrosi di guerra, l’anafilassi psichica e la sedizione criminaloide a Villa del Seminario (1916-1917) (2022)


Donato Bragatto (Author)
Adello Vanni (Author)

Atti e Memorie, Rivista di Storia della Farmacia
Volume: 39
Issue: 1
Pages: 19-36
Publication date: 2022
Language: Italian

In warring Europe, the “war neuroses” were an etiopathogenetic, diagnostic and therapeutic puzzle. In Italy, younger psychiatrists shared Babinski’s theories: “neuroticized” soldiers, diagnosed as “pythiatics”, presented both a neuro-hormonal disorder and a sub-conscious negative self-suggestion. Therefore they were treated by using counter-suggestive psychotherapy, often associated with electrotherapy. However, there was a number of “pythiatics” who did not heal: they were called “unwillings” or “exaggerators”; for them very painful, suggestive, energetic and electrical psychotherapies were applied. The authors historicize this complex problem in the place of Ferrara. In the neuropsychiatric center of Villa del Seminario, the staff of prof. Gaetano Boschi developed the theory of “neuro-psychic anaphylaxis” (1916) placing the Ferrara school at the forefront of studies on war neuroses. Also in this center the phenomenon of the “unwilling” militaries took place, so that energetic electrical therapies were used (although we do not know the real extention of this practice). Director Boschi refers to a “criminal” rebellion with the unequivocal flavor of “bolshevism”; once the rebels were identified, they were reported to the Military Tribunal. “Velvet gloves” with cooperators, “iron fist” with the unwillings.

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Authors & Contributors
Jasinski, Riccardo Romeo
Calzolari, Ettore
Epting, Susan
Jones, Edgar
Roper, Michael
Thomas, Gregory M.
History of Psychiatry
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Twentieth-Century British History
Franco Angeli
University of Pennsylvania
Cornell University Press
Firenze University Press
Il Mulino
Louisiana State University Press
World War I
Medicine and the military; medicine in war
Science and war; science and the military
War neuroses
Bion, Wilfred Ruprecht
Belmondo, Ernesto
Time Periods
20th century, early
20th century
Great Britain
United States
Red Cross Societies

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