Article ID: CBB097313025

Geologia stosowana w badaniach Karola Bohdanowicza i jego uczniów na Syberii na przełomie XIX i XX wieku / Applied geology in the research of Karol Bohdanowicz and his Polish graduates in Siberia at the turn of the 20th century (2016)


Badania w zakresie geologii stosowanej (geologii złóż, geologii inżynierskiej, hydrogeologii) na przełomie XIX i XX wieku na obszarze Syberii prowadzili także absolwenci Instytutu Górniczego skupieni wokół Karola Bohdanowicza. Wśród nich byli między innymi Stefan Czarnocki i Stanisław Doktorowicz-Hrebnicki. Ich działalność na terenie Syberii stała się dowodem na istnienie „szkoły” Bohdanowicza, a wyniki ich prac naukowych na trwale weszły do dorobku nauki i stały się podstawą do tworzenia górnictwa surowców mineralnych. / Research in the field of applied geology (geology of deposits, engineering geology, hydrogeology) at the turn of the 20th century in Siberia, was conducted by the graduates of the Institute of Mining led by Karol Bohdanowicz. The team included, among others, Stefan Czarnocki and Stanisław Doktorowicz-Hrebnicki. Their activity in Siberia became a proof that the so-called “Bohdanowicz’s school” existed and the results of their research have earned their place in the science and have become the basis for developing the mining of mineral resources.

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Authors & Contributors
Fein, Julia
Zhang, Er-ping
Azuela, Luz Fernanda
Bruno, Andy
Buhay, Diane N.
Cao, Xiping
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Archives of Natural History
Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina
British Journal for the History of Science
Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
University of Toronto
Cambridge University Press
Geological Society of New Zealand
Yale University Press
Societies; institutions; academies
Science and politics
Science and culture
Collectors and collecting
Bremer, Hans J.
Coutinho, João Martins da Silva
Digby, Bassett
Dorogostaisky, Vitaly Cheslavovich
Gerngross, Otto
Haast, Julius von
Time Periods
20th century, early
19th century
Siberia (Russia)
New Zealand
British Museum. Natural History
Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina
Natural History Museum (London, England)
National Geological Library of China
Geological Survey Library of the Ministry of Commerce and Agriculture
Ankara Yüksek Ziraat Enstitüsü

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