Chapter ID: CBB096425451

Padova e le sue acque nella prima età moderna (2022)


Galtarossa, Massimo (Author)

Pearson Education Resources Italia
Pages: 181-198
Publication date: 2022
Language: Italian

Making use of a known but insufficiently explored source such as the despatches of the Venetian rectors of Padua for the years 1602-1630, the period of important breaking of the banks and the flooding of rivers, we intend to propose the examination of this case study to transport the natural disaster into the field of social and economic history. A quick comparison with the documentation of other cities (Verona, Vicenza and Chioggia) for the fatal year of 1608 allows us to understand the representativeness of the historical period. In that year in Padua the supply crisis emerged in the contradictions between the city and the countryside and in the recurrence of social tensions. The picture is bleak: a main communication route such as the Mestre road is transformed into a sieve by the waters, 'floods' of snow accumulate in the city which become cumbersome scourges for the Venetian representatives and the local population. In 1612 the rains are not attributable to the category of bad weather but, due to the fragility of the Paduan hydrographic network, contribute again to the breaking of the banks. In 1627 in Este, in the lower Padua area, the gravity of the situation prompted a local attempt to understand the geographical connections of this 'liquid world' because the waters of the upper Vicenza area influenced those of the lower Padua area.

Included in

Book Giuliana Albini; Paolo Grillo; Blythe Alice Raviola (2022) Il fuoco e l’acqua. Prevenzione e gestione dei disastri ambientali fra Medioevo e Età Moderna. unapi

Citation URI

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Authors & Contributors
Simonetti, Remy
Cazzola, Franco
Raviola, Blythe Alice
Canzian, Dario
Agostini, Filiberto
Vito Rovigo
Franco Angeli
Pearson Education Resources Italia
Cierre edizioni
University of Queensland Press
Edizioni Osiride
Water resource management
Environmental history
Disasters; catastrophes
Po Plain
Time Periods
Republic of Venice (697–1797)
Early modern
17th century
18th century
Adige River (Italy)
Alps (Europe)
Holy Roman Empire

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