Frampton, Sally (Editor)
Wallis, Jennifer (Editor)
This book explores medical and health periodicals of the nineteenth century: their contemporary significance, their readership, and how historians have approached them as objects of study. From debates about women doctors in lesser-known titles such as the Medical Mirror, to the formation of professional medical communities within French and Portuguese periodicals, the contributors to this volume highlight the multi-faceted nature of these publications as well as their uses to the historian. Medical periodicals – far from being the preserve of doctors and nurses – were also read by the general public. Thus, the contributions collected here will be of interest not only to the historian of medicine, but also to those interested in nineteenth-century periodical culture more broadly. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of the journal Media History.
Rosenberg, Charles E.;
Right Living: An Anglo-American Tradition of Self-Help Medicine and Hygiene
Leven., Karl-Heinz;
“Das Banner dieser Wissenschaft will ich aufpflanzen”: Medizinhistorische Zeitschriften in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. und zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts
King, Helen;
History without Historians? Medical History and the Internet
Topham, Jonathan R.;
Periodicals and the Making of Reading Audiences for Science in Early 19th-century Britain: the Youth's Magazine, 1828--37
Cushing, Nancy;
Markwell, Kevin;
“Watch Out for These KILLERS!”: Newspaper Coverage of the Sydney Funnel Web Spider and Its Impact on Antivenom Research
Au, Sokhieng;
Mixed Medicines: Health and Culture in French Colonial Cambodia
Greene, Jeremy Alan;
Generic: The Unbranding of Modern Medicine
Srogosz, T.;
The History of Medicine and Pharmacy in “Kwartalnik Historii Nauki I Techniki” in the Years 1956--2005
Lars Thorup Larsen;
Not merely the absence of disease: A genealogy of the WHO’s positive health definition
Coste, Joël;
Le concept de médicalisation en histoire sociale de la médicine et de la santé: une analyse épistémologique et méthodologique
Essay Review
Hobbins, Peter;
Enigma, Gift, Commodity, Curse
Marco Emanuele Omes;
“In aria sana”: Conceptualising Pathogenic Environments in the Popular Press: Northern Italy, 1820s–1840s
Bud, Robert;
Framed in the Public Sphere: Tools for the Conceptual History of“Applied Science”---A Review Paper
Wood, Janice Ruth;
Prescription for a Periodical: Medicine, Sex, and Obscenity in the Nineteenth Century, as Told in Dr. Foote's Health Monthly
Dowling, David;
Davis, Inc.: The Business of Asylum Reform in the Periodical Press
Pearn, John;
“Where There Is No Doctor”: Self-Help and Pre-Hospital Care in Colonial Australia
Almeida, Maria Antónia Pires de;
Epidemics in the News: Health and Hygiene in the Press in Periods of Crisis
Robert Culp;
Reading and Writing Zhejiang Youth: Local Textual Economies and Cultural Production in Republican Jiangnan
Berridge, Virginia;
Public or Policy Understanding of History?
Mason, Julia M.;
Surgical Intervention: Critiquing the Representation of Breast Cancer Surgery in US Women's Magazines
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