Heasley, Lynne (Editor)
Macfarlane, Daniel (Editor)
Declining access to fresh water is one of the twenty-first century’s most pressing environmental and human rights challenges, yet the struggle for water is not a new cause. The 8,800-kilometer border dividing Canada and the United States contains more than 20 percent of the world’s total freshwater resources, and Border Flows traces the century-long effort by Canada and the United States to manage and care for their ecologically and economically shared rivers and lakes. Ranging across the continent, from the Great Lakes to the Northwest Passage to the Salish Sea, the histories in Border Flows offer critical insights into the historical struggle to care for these vital waters. From multiple perspectives, the book reveals alternative paradigms in water history, law, and policy at scales from the local to the transnational. Students, concerned citizens, and policymakers alike will benefit from the lessons to be found along this critical international border.
...MoreReview Stephen Bocking (2018) Review of "Border Flows: A Century of the Canadian-American Water Relationship". Scientia Canadensis: Journal of the History of Canadian Science, Technology, and Medicine (pp. 104-105).
Tim Stroshane;
Drought, Water Law, and the Origins of California's Central Valley Project
Robert R. Crifasi;
A Land Made from Water: Appropriation and the Evolution of Colorado's Landscape, Ditches, and Water Institutions
Steven C. Schulte;
As Precious as Blood: The Western Slope in Colorado's Water Wars, 1900-1970
John Opie;
Char Miller;
Kenna Lang Archer;
Ogallala: Water for a Dry Land
Jeremy J. Schmidt;
Water: Abundance, Scarcity, and Security in the Age of Humanity
Margaret A. Bickers;
Red Water, Black Gold: The Canadian River in Western Texas, 1920–1999
Melosi, Martin V.;
Precious Commodity: Providing Water for America's Cities
Wade Graham;
Braided Waters: Environment and Society in Molokai, Hawaii
Ana Duarte Rodrigues;
Carmen Toribio;
The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula: Between the 16th and 19th Centuries
Ozerova, N. A.;
The History of Moscow's Water Supply: “Prospecting for New Sources,” 1913 to the 1930s
Tvedt, Terje;
Chapman, Graham;
Hagen, Roar;
Water and Geopolitics in the New World Order
Erik Swyngedouw;
Liquid Power: Contested Hydro-Modernities in Twentieth-Century Spain
Rita Padawangi;
Building Knowledge, Negotiating Expertise: Participatory Water Supply Advocacy and Service in Globalizing Jakarta
Lamoreaux, Philip E.;
Tanner, Judy T.;
Springs and Bottled Waters of the World: Ancient History, Source, Occurrence, Quality and Use
Bruun, Christer;
Stallianus, a Plumber from Pompeii (and Other Remarks on Pompeian Lead Pipes)
Taylor, Vanessa;
Trentmann, Frank;
Liquid Politics: Water and the Politics of Everyday Life in the Modern City
Elizabeth C. M. Hameeteman;
Pipe Parity: Desalination, Development, and the Global Quest for Water in the 1950s and 1960s
Katherine W. Rinne;
Water: The Currency of Cardinals in Late Renaissance Rome
Alberto Malvolti;
Giuliano Pinto;
Incolti, fiumi, paludi. Utilizzazione delle risorse naturali nella Toscana medievale e moderna
Francesco Salvestrini;
Navigazione e trasporti sulle acque interne della toscana medievale e protomoderna (secoli XIII-XVI)
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