Daniel, Drew (Author)
This book considers melancholy as an “assemblage,” as a network of dynamic, interpretive relationships between persons, bodies, texts, spaces, structures, and things. In doing so, it parts ways with past interpretations of melancholy. Tilting the English Renaissance against the present moment, Daniel argues that the basic disciplinary tension between medicine and philosophy persists within contemporary debates about emotional embodiment. To make this case, the book binds together the paintings of Nicholas Hilliard and Isaac Oliver, the drama of Shakespeare, the prose of Burton, and the poetry of Milton. Crossing borders and periods, Daniel combines recent theories that have―until now―been regarded as incongruous by their respective advocates. Asking fundamental questions about how the experience of emotion produces community, the book will be of interest to scholars of early modern literature, psychoanalysis, the affective turn, and continental philosophy.
...MoreReview Timothy Barr (2019) Review of "Affective Mapping: Melancholia and the Politics of Modernism". Journal of the History of Ideas (pp. 313-332).
Erin Sullivan;
Beyond Melancholy: Sadness and Selfhood in Renaissance England
Jennifer Radden;
Moody Minds Distempered: Essays on Melancholy and Depression
Elvira M. Melián;
De la bilis negra a la escolástica: la Celestina como arquetipo de la melancolía maléfica en el Siglo de Oro
Tayler Meredith;
Summer, Sun and SAD in Early Modern England
Jonathan Flatley;
Affective Mapping: Melancholia and the Politics of Modernism
Timothy Barr;
Review of "Affective Mapping: Melancholia and the Politics of Modernism"
Dixon, Laurinda S.;
The Dark Side of Genius: The Melancholic Persona in Art, ca. 1500--1700
Richardson, Alan;
British Romanticism and the science of the mind
Cassie M. Miura;
Sweet Moistning Sleepe”: Perturbations of the Mind and Rest for the Body in Robert Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy
Fernando Vidal;
Jean Starobinski: the history of medicine and the reasons of the body
Lake, Crystal B.;
Feeling Things: The Novel Objectives of Sentimental Objects
Sobol, Valeria;
Nerves, Brain, or Heart? The Physiology of Emotions and the Mind-Body Problem in Russian Sentimentalism
Knuuttila, Simo;
Emotions in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
Dixon, Thomas;
The Psychology of the Emotions in Britain and America in the Nineteenth Century: The Role of Religious and Antireligious Commitments
Åsa Jansson;
From Melancholia to Depression: Disordered Mood in Nineteenth-Century Psychiatry
Steffen Dörre;
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Jan Verplaetse;
Wild melancholy. On the historical plausibility of a black bile theory of blood madness, or hæmatomania
Wassmann, Claudia;
Physiological Optics, Cognition and Emotion: A Novel Look at the Early Work of Wilhelm Wundt
Degen, Andreas;
Concepts of Fascination, from Democritus to Kant
Weisser, Olivia;
Grieved and Disordered: Gender and Emotion in Early Modern Patient Narratives
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