Pépin, Jacques (Author)
It is now forty years since the discovery of AIDS, but its origins continue to puzzle doctors, scientists and patients. Inspired by his own experiences working as a physician in a bush hospital in Zaire, Jacques Pépin looks back to the early twentieth-century events in central Africa that triggered the emergence of HIV/AIDS and traces its subsequent development into the most dramatic and destructive epidemic of modern times. He shows how the disease was first transmitted from chimpanzees to man and then how military campaigns, urbanisation, prostitution and large-scale colonial medical interventions intended to eradicate tropical diseases combined to disastrous effect to fuel the spread of the virus from its origins in Léopoldville to the rest of Africa, the Caribbean and ultimately worldwide. This is an essential perspective on HIV/AIDS and on the lessons that must be learned as the world faces another pandemic.
Kazanjian, Powel;
The AIDS Pandemic in Historic Perspective
Frank M. Snowden;
Epidemics and Society: From the Black Death to the Present
Vatanoğlu, Emine Elif;
Ataman, Ahmet Do an;
Cinsel yolla geçen bir hastalik: AIDS'in filatelik tarihi
Denis, Philippe;
New Patterns of Disclosure: How HIV-Positive Support Group Members from KwaZulu-Natal Speak of Their Status in Oral Narratives
McKay, Richard A.;
“Patient Zero”: The Absence of a Patient's View of the Early North American AIDS Epidemic
Kenneth Maes;
The Lives of Community Health Workers: Local Labor and Global Health in Urban Ethiopia
Geissler, Wenzel;
Molyneux, Catherine;
Evidence, Ethos and Experiment: The Anthropology and History of Medical Research in Africa
Khan, Shalini H. N.;
Infectious Entanglements: Literary and Medical Representations of Disease in the Post/Colonial Caribbean
Richard Andrew McKay;
Patient Zero and the Making of the Aids Epidemic
Barreras, Ricardo E.;
Torruella, Rafael A.;
New York City's Struggle over Syringe Exchange: A Case Study of the Intersection of Science, Activism, and Political Change
Cristiana Bastos;
The Never-Ending Poxes of Syphilis, AIDS, and Measles
Phillips, Howard;
Epidemics: The Story of South Africa's Five Most Lethal Human Diseases
Davide Orsini;
James A. Ostenson;
Francesco Brigo;
Mariano Martini;
Pandemics and Mental Disorders: From the Thought of the 19th Century Psychiatrist Andrea Verga to long-term effects of COVID-19
Nattrass, Nicoli;
The AIDS Conspiracy: Science Fights Back
Ware, Cheryl;
HIV Illness Narratives in New Zealand: The Significance of the Experiences of HIV-Positive Homosexual Men between 1983 and 1997
Koch, Tom;
Disease Maps: Epidemics on the Ground
Bollet, Alfred Jay;
Plagues & Poxes: The Impact of Human History on Epidemic Disease.
Janet Weston;
Hannah J. Elizabeth;
Histories of HIV/AIDS in Western Europe: New and regional perspectives
Janakan, Gnananandan;
Ellis, Harold;
Dr Thomas Aitchison Latta (c.1796--1833): Pioneer Of Intravenous Fluid Replacement in the Treatment of Cholera
Dan Royles;
To Make the Wounded Whole: The African American Struggle against HIV/AIDS
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