Article ID: CBB078756980

Laboratory Notes, Laboratory Experiences, and Conceptual Analysis: Understanding the Making of Ohm's First Law in Electricity (2020)


Georg Simon Ohm's work in the field of electricity led to what is now considered to be the most fundamental law of electrical circuits, Ohm's Law. Much less known is that only months earlier, Ohm had published another law—one that differed significantly from the now accepted one. The latter entailed a logarithmic relation between the length of the conductor and a parameter that Ohm called “loss of force.” This paper discusses how Ohm came up with an initial law that he felt compelled to correct a few months later. We analyze Ohm's publication as well as his laboratory notes, relating them to our own laboratory experiences while using the replication method to study his work. We also discuss the conceptual background of Ohm's work. We conclude that he was significantly influenced by French studies in the field of electricity, most notably the ones by Charles Augustin Coulomb.

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Authors & Contributors
Pourprix, Bernard
Schlote, Karl-Heinz
Acocella, Giovanni
Arapostathis, Stathis
Archibald, Thomas
Balbi, Gabriele
Physics in Perspective
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Green Lion Press
Peter Lang
Electricity; magnetism
Laboratory notebooks
Cross-national interaction
Science and technology, relationships
Experiments and experimentation
Ohm, Georg Simon
Einstein, Albert
Faraday, Michael
Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von
Wien, Max
Ampère, André Marie
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
17th century
Great Britain
Munich (Germany)
Rome (Italy)

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