Article ID: CBB077692673

Galen on bad style (kakozēlía): Hippocratic exegesis in Galen and some predecessors (2020)


This paper explores a type of stylistic judgment frequently used by Galen to question the authenticity of a Hippocratic text or the plausibility of a predecessor’s emendation: κακοζηλία (kakozēlía) or ‘bad style’. Galen nowhere defines this stylistic criterion, but we can narrow it to a range of meanings by turning to descriptions of the term in contemporary writers on rhetoric; furthermore, we show that we can identify patterns in how he applies it in his Hippocratic commentaries. From these patterns, it becomes clear that one thing Galen means by ‘bad style’ in the context of textual criticism is that the text in front of him fails to meet his standards for what constitutes good scientific prose. More importantly, we argue that when Galen rejects the Hippocratic provenance of a text or textual variant on stylistic grounds, it reveals something not only about his approach to textual criticism, but also about the Hippocrates he inherited from his predecessors.

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Authors & Contributors
Jouanna, Jacques
Calá, Irene
Cañizares, Pilar Pérez
Fox, Robin Lane
Garofalo, Ivan
Giorgianni, Franco
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology
Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi
Fabrizio Serra Editore
Ecdotics; source study (methodology)
Linguistics; philology
Greek language
Hippocratic medicine
Hippocrates of Cos
John of Alexandria
Soranus of Ephesus
Time Periods

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