Kellie Robertson (Author)
Late medieval writers were enamored with metaphors of scale for imagining mankind in relation to the rest of the created world. This article takes the minor mundus — the idea of the human as a “lesser world” patterned after the greater, cosmic one — as a point of departure for exploring medieval debates about what it meant to be an embodied human that stood simultaneously apart from and yet within the natural world. It argues that microcosmic thinking was particularly prominent in the tradition of the Roman de la Rose, because it allowed writers to enter into a long-standing conversation about how the physical environment potentially influenced the human will. A scalar logic of nature was embraced by some of these popular writers and rebuffed by others, depending on their view of how the soul was situated with respect to the material body. Revisiting these ubiquitous microcosmic figures gives us insight into sometimes opaque medieval intellectual practice even as it demonstrates how the history of rhetoric can contribute to a broader history of materialism.
Enrico Berti;
Mind and soul? Two notions in the light of contemporary philosophy
Garber, Daniel;
Mécanisme et morale: la mort du corps et l'éternité de l'esprit chez Spinoza
Naama Cohen-Hanegbi;
A Moving Soul: Emotions in Late Medieval Medicine
Vesa Hirvonen;
Late medieval philosophical and theological discussions of mental disorders: Witelo, Oresme, Gerson
Brenet, Jean-Baptiste;
S'unir à l'Intellect, Voir Dieu. Averroès et la Doctrine de la Jonction Au Cœur Du Thomisme
Long, James;
The Contributions of the Books on the Soul and Body to the Dissemination of Greco-Arabic Learning
Boer, Sander W. De;
The Science of the Soul: The Commentary Tradition on Aristotle's De anima, c. 1260--c.1360
Christopher P. Noble;
Automata, reason, and free will: Leibniz's critique of Descartes on animal and human nature
Corey Dyck;
Materialism in the Mainstream of Early German Philosophy
Christopher Donohue;
Charles T. Wolfe;
Vitalism and Its Legacy in Twentieth Century Life Sciences and Philosophy
N. Amos Rothschild;
The Physiology of Free Will: Faculty Psychology and the Structure of the Miltonic Mind
Sascha Salatowsky;
Unitarian Materialism. Christoph Stegmann, Joseph Priestley, and Their Concepts of Matter and Soul
Cohen, Sarah R.;
Chardin's Fur: Painting, Materialism, and the Question of Animal Soul
Marleen Rozemond;
Descartes, Malebranche and Leibniz: Conceptions of Substance in Arguments for the Immateriality of the Soul
Jonathan Regier;
A Hot Mess: Girolamo Cardano, the Inquisition, and the Soul
Omero Proietti;
Pomponazzi, Da Costa e il mito dell’immortalità dell’anima
Falk Wunderlich;
Materialism in Late Enlightenment Germany: A Neglected Tradition Reconsidered
Thomson, Ann;
Bodies of Thought: Science, Religion, and the Soul in the Early Enlightenment
Diamandopoulos, Athanasios;
Goudas, Pavlov;
Diamantopoulou, Hilary;
The Human Skin: A Meeting Ground for the Ideas about Macrocosm and Microcosm in Ancient and Medieval Greek Literature
Pepi, Luciana;
L'uomo come microcosmo in Mosè Maimonide
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