Rafferty, Anne Marie (Editor)
Dupree, Marguerite Wright (Editor)
Alberti, Fay Bound (Editor)
Germs and governance brings together leading historians, practitioners and policy makers to consider the past, present and future of hospital infection control. Combining historical case-studies with practitioner experiences, this volume offers a new understanding of the emergence of theories of germ transmission and containment and how these theories played out in real-world environments, networks and professional organisations. Exploring the historical context in which technologies like gloves were developed and popularised, as well as how relationships between communities and hospitals, doctors and nurses, and the emerging role of hospital bacteriologists have shaped infection control practices, the collection emphasises the diverse contexts in which ideas about germs, infection and safety circulated. The volume also addresses the historical neglect of the critical role of nurses in the development and success of infection control measures.
...MoreReview Stephan Curtis (2023) Review of "Germs and governance: The past, present and future of hospital infection, prevention and control". Technology and Culture (pp. 930-931).
Chapter Alistair Leanord (2021) Infection control and antimicrobial resistance: the past, the present and the future. In: Germs and governance: The past, present and future of hospital infection, prevention and control (pp. 257-269).
Chapter Neil Wigglesworth (2021) Infection prevention and control in the twenty-first century: the era of patient safety. In: Germs and governance: The past, present and future of hospital infection, prevention and control (pp. 247-256).
Chapter Gardiner, Susan (2021) Infection control from the laboratory to the clinic: John H. Bowie and the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, c.1945-1970. In: Germs and governance: The past, present and future of hospital infection, prevention and control.
Chapter Cresswell, Rosemary (2021) Constructing the 'Sanitary Officer': the Pathologist's role in infection prevention and control at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, 1892-1939. In: Germs and governance: The past, present and future of hospital infection, prevention and control (pp. 193-218).
Chapter Jennie Wilson (2021) The evolving role of gloves in healthcare. In: Germs and governance: The past, present and future of hospital infection, prevention and control (pp. 172-190).
Chapter Schlich, Thomas (2021) Wax paste and vaccination: alternatives to surgical gloves for infection control, 1880-1945. In: Germs and governance: The past, present and future of hospital infection, prevention and control (pp. 151-171).
Chapter Susan Macqueen (2021) Learning the art and science of infection prevention and control: a practical application. In: Germs and governance: The past, present and future of hospital infection, prevention and control (pp. 128-148).
Chapter Jones, Claire L. (2021) Septic subjects: infection control and occupational illness in British hospitals, c. 1870-1970. In: Germs and governance: The past, present and future of hospital infection, prevention and control (pp. 104-147).
Chapter Wood, Pamela (2021) Pus, pedagogy and practice: how 'dirt' shaped surgical nurse training and hierarchies of practice, 1900-1935. In: Germs and governance: The past, present and future of hospital infection, prevention and control (pp. 81-103).
Chapter Sheard, Sally (2021) Cleanliness costs: the evolving relationship between infection and length of stay in antibiotic-era hospitals. In: Germs and governance: The past, present and future of hospital infection, prevention and control (pp. 51-78).
Chapter Condrau, Flurin (2021) Hospital infections and the role of the community before MRSA, 1930-1960. In: Germs and governance: The past, present and future of hospital infection, prevention and control (pp. 27-50).
Chetan Chetan;
Disinfectants: Use of Different Types of Sanitization Techniques in 18th and 19th Centuries Britain and India
Nigel Richardson;
Typhoid in Uppingham: Analysis of a Victorian Town and School in Crisis, 1875–1877
Jean-Paul Gaudillière;
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Anne M. Lovell;
Laurent Pordié;
David Cantor;
Global health and the new world order: Historical and anthropological approaches to a changing regime of governance
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Sickness in the Workhouse: Poor Law Medical Care in Provincial England, 1834-1914
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The History of Saskatchewan’s Public Health Association Policy Initiatives, 1954–86: A Regional Comparison for Preventative Health Policy Work in Canada
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Cargo, “Infection,” and the Logic of Quarantine in the Nineteenth Century
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Babies and Bacteria: Phage Typing, Bacteriologists, and the Birth of Infection Control
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Infected Rails: Yellow Fever and Southern Railroads
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The Development of Agricultural Science in Northern Italy in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century
Cristina Boschetti;
Laura di Siena;
Jan Kindberg Jacobsen;
Gloria Mittica;
Giovanni Murro;
Claudio Parisi Presicce;
Rubina Raja;
Massimo Vitti;
Disease control and the disposal of infectious materials in Renaissance Rome: excavations in the area of Caesar's Forum
Trotignon, Olivier;
Hôtels-Dieu, léproseries et saints guérisseurs dans le Berry médiéval
Andrew Webster;
Sally Wyatt;
Health, Technology and Society: Critical Inquiries
Hedvig Gröndal;
Tora Holmberg;
Alignment Work: Medical Practice in Managing Antimicrobial Resistance
Merritt, Anne K.;
The Rise of Emergency Medicine in the Sixties: Paving a New Entrance to the House of Medicine
Lawrenson, Ross;
Medical Practice in New Zealand (1769--1860)
Ayliffe, Graham A. J.;
English, Mary P.;
Hospital Infection: From Miasmas to MRSA
Sarah F. Liebschutz;
Communities and Health Care: The Rochester, New York, Experiment
Christina Malathouni;
Beyond the asylum and before the ‘care in the community’ model: Exploring an overlooked early NHS mental health facility
Laurinda Abreu;
The Political and Social Dynamics of Poverty, Poor Relief and Health Care in Early-Modern Portugal
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