Justyna Kiliańczyk-Zięba (Author)
This book discusses the printers’ devices used in Poland-Lithuania in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The compositions that served to identify the products of individual printers are explored here as previously unacknowledged research material for cultural studies: they allow for the reconstruction of the mentality of contemporary printers as well as their co-workers and reading public. The book investigates relationships within early modern intellectual communities and shows that the textual and visual discourses of the printers’ devices were pan-European, reflecting the networked communities of European centres of learning and commerce. It documents the broad range of the output of Polish-Lithuanian presses as well and is therefore also a study of book culture in a multinational and multilingual state, whose inheritance is poorly recognised internationally.
Piotr Tafiłowski;
Inkunabuły zawierające treści geograficzne w zbiorach polskich. Z dziejów komunikacji społecznej i naukowej w dawnej Polsce [The Incunabula with Geographic Content in Polish Collections. A Study on the History of Scientific Communication in Fifteenth-Century Poland]
Mateusz Falkowski;
(October 2017)
Fear and Abundance: Reshaping of Royal Forests in Sixteenth-Century Poland and Lithuania
Jakub Niedźwiedź;
Mercator's Lithuanian–Russian Borderlands: Russiae pars amplificata (1595) and Its Polish Sources
Prinke, Rafał T.;
Antemurale Alchimiae: Patrons, Readers, and Practitioners of Alchemy in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Stasiewicz-Jasiukowa, Irena;
Wkład jezuitów do nauki i kultury w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów i pod zaborami
Els Stronks;
Curiosity, Youth, and Knowledge in the Visual and Textual Culture of the Dutch Republic
Jon Arrizabalaga;
De la copie à l’édition : Francesc Argilagues et les manuscrits médicaux aux premiers temps de l’imprimerie (fin xve-début xvie siècle)
Margaret Meserve;
Papal Bull: Print, Politics, and Propaganda in Renaissance Rome
Marco van Egmond;
Mapping Early Utrecht Printers and Publishers: Experiences with Building a Geographical Interface
Dondi, Cristina;
The European Printing Revolution
Oren Margolis;
Aldus Manutius: The Invention of the Publisher
Hutterer, Maile;
When Old Meets New: Classicizing Columns in Northern French Flying Buttress Systems
Tapti Roy;
Print and Publishing in Colonial Bengal: The Journey of Bidyasundar
Rodrigo Lazo;
Letters from Filadelfia: Early Latino Literature and the Trans-American Elite
Leah Orr;
Novel Ventures: Fiction and Print Culture in England, 1690-1730
Rachael Scarborough King;
After Print: Eighteenth-Century Manuscript Cultures
Robin Rider;
The scientific book as a cultural and bibliographical object
Westman, Robert S.;
The Copernican Question Revisited: A Reply to Noel Swerdlow and John Heilbron
Reymond, Jerzy;
Polska terminologia anatomiczna w dziele Jana Ursinusa De ossibus humanis tractatus tres
Potkowski, Edward;
Gott, Teufel und Schrift. Vorstellungen zu den heiligen und dämonischen Wirkungen der Schrift im Polen des 15.--16. Jahrhunderts
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