Baldin, Gregorio (Author)
Questo studio analizza la profonda influenza di Galileo sulla filosofia di Hobbes, anche attraverso la mediazione di Mersenne. Del “galileismo” hobbesiano, l’autore mette in luce i molteplici aspetti: metodologici ed epistemologici, ma anche le analogie concettuali e lessicali nel campo della fisica, per giungere a un confronto tra i due autori sul tema della struttura della materia, dal quale emerge una comune concezione meccanicista dell’universo. [English abstract: This study analyses the profound influence that Galileo had on Hobbes’s philosophy, also through the mediation of Mersenne. The author highlights the many aspects of Hobbesian ‘Galileism’: not only methodological and epistemological ones, but also conceptual and lexical analogies in the field of physics, to arrive at a comparison between the two authors on the subject of the structure of matter, revealing a common mechanistic conception of the universe.]
...MoreReview Guido Frilli (2018) Review of "Hobbes e Galileo. Metodo, materia e scienza del moto". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 400-401).
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The «greate Star-gazer Galileo» in mid-seventeenth-century England: the case of Robert Boyle
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Hobbes and Galileo: Method, Matter and the Science of Motion
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Roman Holiday. George Fortescue and Galileo
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Tobie Matthew, Francis Bacon, and Galileo's Letter to Benedetto Castelli
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Hobbes and Sarpi: Method, Matter and Natural Philosophy
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Gassendi and the English Mechanical Philosophers
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Springs, Nitre, and Conatus. The Role of the Heart in Hobbes's Physiology and Animal Locomotion
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Gianni Paganini;
Moto, luogo e tempo
Gregorio Baldin;
Points, Atoms and Rays of Light: History of a Controversy from Mersenne to Hobbes
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Women, Philosophy and Science: Italy and Early Modern Europe
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