Book ID: CBB025422409

Hobbes e Galileo. Metodo, materia e scienza del moto (2017)


Baldin, Gregorio (Author)

Biblioteca di Galilaeana
Publication date: 2017
Language: Italian

Publication Date: 2017
Physical Details: xxiv, 244 pp.

Questo studio analizza la profonda influenza di Galileo sulla filosofia di Hobbes, anche attraverso la mediazione di Mersenne. Del “galileismo” hobbesiano, l’autore mette in luce i molteplici aspetti: metodologici ed epistemologici, ma anche le analogie concettuali e lessicali nel campo della fisica, per giungere a un confronto tra i due autori sul tema della struttura della materia, dal quale emerge una comune concezione meccanicista dell’universo. [English abstract: This study analyses the profound influence that Galileo had on Hobbes’s philosophy, also through the mediation of Mersenne. The author highlights the many aspects of Hobbesian ‘Galileism’: not only methodological and epistemological ones, but also conceptual and lexical analogies in the field of physics, to arrive at a comparison between the two authors on the subject of the structure of matter, revealing a common mechanistic conception of the universe.]

Reviewed By

Review Guido Frilli (2018) Review of "Hobbes e Galileo. Metodo, materia e scienza del moto". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 400-401). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Baldin, Gregorio
Camerota, Michele
Paganini, Gianni
Clericuzio, Antonio
Clucas, Stephen
De Pace, Anna
Galilæana: Journal of Galilean Studies
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
Physics in Perspective
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Springer International Publishing
Accademia dell’Arcadia
Natural philosophy
Motion (physical)
Galilei, Galileo
Hobbes, Thomas
Boyle, Robert
Copernicus, Nicolaus
Descartes, René
Mersenne, Marin
Time Periods
17th century
16th century
18th century
Royal Society of London

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