Cesaro, Robert (Author)
Hirshbein, Laura Davidow (Author)
Historians have examined the role of psychiatric institutions in the USA and addressed whether this form of care helped or harmed patients (depending on the perspective of the time period, historical actors, and historians). But the story for children’s mental institutions was different. At the time when adult institutions were in decline, children’s mental hospitals were expanding. Parents and advocates clamoured for more beds and more services. The decrease in facilities for children was more due to economic factors than ideological opposition. This paper explores a case study of a hospital in Michigan as a window into the different characteristics of the discussion of psychiatric care for children.
Reich, Rebecca;
Thinking Differently: Psychiatry, Literature and Dissent in the Late Soviet Period
Berkenkotter, Carol;
Patient Tales: Case Histories and the Uses of Narrative in Psychiatry
Martin Summers;
Madness in the City of Magnificent Intentions: A History of Race and Mental Illness in the Nation's Capital
Sarah Phelan;
Reconstructing the eclectic psychiatry of Thomas Ferguson Rodger
Thifault, Marie-Claude;
Le nursing psychiatrique à l'École des gardes-malades de l'Hôpital Saint-Jean-de-Dieu: “le côté spirituel en tête du côté technique”
Baur, Nicole;
Family Influence and Psychiatric Care: Physical Treatments in Devon Mental Hospitals, c. 1920 to the 1970s
Kathryn McKay;
From Blasting Powder to Tomato Pickles: Patient Work at the Provincial Mental Hospitals in British Columbia, Canada, c. 1885-1920
Waltraud Ernst;
'Useful Both to the Patients as Well as to the State'. Patient Work in Colonial Mental Hospitals in South Asia, c. 1818-1948
Akira Hashimoto;
Work and Activity in Mental Hospitals in Modern Japan, c. 1868-2000
Valentin-Veron Toma;
Work and Occupation in Romanian Psychiatry, c. 1838-1945
John Hall;
From Work and Occupation to Occupational Therapy. the Policies of Professionalisation in English Mental Hospitals From 1919 to 1959
Leonard Smith;
'A Powerful Agent in Their Recovery': Work as Treatment in British West Indian Lunatic Asylums, 1860-1910
Monika Ankele;
The Patient's View of Work Therapy: The Mental Hospital Hamburg-Langenhorn During the Weimar Republic
Thomas Müller;
Between Therapeutic Instrument and Exploitation of Labour Force: Patient Work in Rural Asylums in Württemberg, c. 1810-1945
Anna Grillini;
La guerra in testa: Esperienze e traumi di civili, profughi e soldati nel manicomio di Pergine Valsugana (1909-1924)
Mary de Young;
Encyclopedia of Asylum Therapeutics, 1750–1950s
Sarah Chaney;
Useful Members of Society or Motiveless Malingerers? Occupation and Malingering in British Asylum Psychiatry, 1870-1914
Slijkhuis, Jessica;
Oosterhuis, Harry;
Cadaver Brains and Excesses in Baccho and Venere: Dementia Paralytica in Dutch Psychiatry (1870--1920)
Magne Brekke Rabben;
Øyvind Thomassen;
Humane treatment versus means of control: coercive measures in Norwegian high-security psychiatry, 1895–1978
Cristina Sacristán;
Curar y custodiar. La cronicidad en el Manicomio La Castañeda, Ciudad de México, 1910-1968
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