Article ID: CBB019920232

Archaeology and Quality of Life in Central-European, Pre-Industrial Towns (Fourteenth to Eighteenth Centuries) (2022)


Diversification of standards of living in modern societies is one of the main research topics for economists and sociologists. Usually, economic inequalities are considered to be a natural phenomenon which trigger further progress and, in moderate amounts, are socially acceptable. However, deep inequalities are unjust and destructive and lead to conflicts. The research of contemporary inequalities in living standards mainly focuses on defining their source and their social and economic implications. The issue of social inequalities in pre-industrial societies is researched in a similar way, but requires different methods and data sources. The purpose of this paper is to determine the usefulness of archaeology in the research of diversification of living standards in Central-European cities at the end of Middle Ages and in the Early Modern era. As a case study we discuss the consumption strategies of Late Medieval and Early Modern dress accessories from different burgher plots in Prague (modern Czech Republic) and Wrocław (modern Poland) as an introduction for broader research.

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Authors & Contributors
Giuliano Pinto
Donato, Maria Pia
Knight, David M.
Mellyn, Elizabeth Walker
Mitchell, Piers D.
Ostorero, Martine
International Journal of Historical Archaeology
British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin
Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Micrologus: Natura, Scienze e Società Medievali
Historical Archaeology
Harvard University
Academic Press
Manchester University Press
Rana House
Earth sciences
Water resource management
Environmental history
Clavius, Christopher
Fibonacci, Leonardo
Galilei, Galileo
Galvani, Luigi
Linnaeus, Carolus
Luther, Martin
Time Periods
15th century
16th century
17th century
14th century
Early modern
Tuscany (Italy)
Brussels (Belgium)

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