Rogers, Pat (Author)
The growing public awareness of natural philosophy and technology in the eighteenth century brought with it unintended consequences, including an enlarged space for satiric treatments of scientific issues, which have not always been recognized for what they are. A pamphlet entitled The York Buildings Dragons appeared in December 1725, with a second, augmented, edition in January 1726. It has generally been attributed to John Theophilus Desaguliers FRS (1683–1744), the Huguenot engineer, Newtonian expositor and leading Freemason. This article throws fresh light on the pamphlet: to provide more extensive background to the work, to describe its aims and methods, to define its mode as entirely satiric, to analyse its contents in greater detail, to show that Desaguliers cannot possibly have been the author and to suggest as a more plausible candidate the mathematician, physician and satiric author John Arbuthnot FRS (1667–1735). Historians of science and technology need to take care in assessing the pamphlet literature surrounding controversial innovations.
Carpenter, Audrey T.;
John Theophilus Desaguliers: A Natural Philosopher, Engineer and Freemason in Newtonian England
Ducheyne, Steffen;
The Times and Life of John Th. Desaguliers (1683--1744): Newtonian and Freemason
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Putrefaction as Optical Technology
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Evaluating John Theophilus Desaguliers' Newtonianism: The Case of Waterwheel Knowledge in a Course of Experimental Philosophy
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The “School of True, Useful and Universal Science”? Freemasonry, Natural Philosophy and Scientific Culture in Eighteenth-Century England
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Poetry and Chemistry, 1770-1830: Mingling Exploded Systems
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Sayre Greenfield;
Anne Milne;
Birds in Eighteenth-Century Literature: Reason, Emotion, and Ornithology, 1700–1840
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Settecento dialogico. Scienza, militanza, letteratura
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Pedro Mexía and the Dialogics of Curiosity
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Scientific Thinking and Narrative Discourse in Early Modern Italy
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Early Eighteenth-Century Newtonianism: The Huguenot Contribution
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Medicine, Metals and Empire: The Survival of a Chymical Projector in Early Eighteenth-Century London
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Science Lecturing in Georgian Bath
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