Sue Frohlick (Author)
Kristin Lozanski (Author)
Amy Speier (Author)
Sheller, Mimi (Author)
What mobilizes people to take up reproductive options, directions, and trajectories in ways that generate the possibilities and practices of mobilities? People’s desires for procreation or to resolve fertility challenges or partake in sperm donation, egg freezing, or surrogacy; the need for abortion services; and forced evacuation for childbirth care all involve movement. Reproductive aspirations, norms, and regulations move people’s bodies, as well as related technologies and bioproducts. At the same time, these corporeal, material, in/tangible mobilities of bodies, things, and ideas are also generative of reproductive imaginaries and practices. Reproduction is mobile and movement affects reproduction. Building from an interdisciplinary workshop on reproductive mobilities in Kelowna, Canada, this article aims to push the mobilities framework toward the edges of feminist, affect, queer, decolonizing, materialist, and nonrepresentational theories in thinking through both reproduction and movement.
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The Doctor and Mrs. A.: Ethics and Counter-Ethics in an Indian Dream Analysis
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Pudeur et pratique obstétricale au XIXème siècle
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Maternal Bodies: Redefining Motherhood in Early America
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